
Dr. Daniel Haase

Office: Helmholtzstr. 18, Room 204
Phone: +49 731 50 - 23513
Fax: +49 731 50 - 23618
E-mail: daniel.haase@uni-ulm.de
Postal Address: Universität Ulm
Abteilung Reine Mathematik
D-89069 Ulm
Office Hours: Monday 14-15h
Polynomiale Inversion der Distanzfunktion total reeller ZahlkörperDiploma thesis
Quantum algorithms for number fields (with H. Maier)Progress of Physics 54 Nr. 8-10 2006, p866-881
Factorization with Gauss sums: scaling properties of ghost factors (with H. Maier, W.P. Schleich and M. Stefanak) New Journal of Physics 9 Nr. 370 2007 NJP-Link
Factorization with exponential sums (mit W.P. Schleich und M. Stefanak)Journal of Physics A 41 304024, 2008
Zur Elementarithmetik in ZahlkörpernDoctoral thesis, available on the Publication server of Ulm University