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  • Arithmetik von Körpern
  • Galoistheorie
  • Bewertungstheorie
  • algebraische und arithmetische Geometrie
  • Anabelsche Geometrie
  • Modelltheorie von Körpern
  • Codierungstheorie
  • Entscheidbarkeit
  • lokale Körper



  1. Birational anabelian geometry over almost arbitrary fields, to appear in: Y. Tschinkel (ed.) Seminars 2004, Mathematisches Institut Göttingen.
  2. A Galois code for valuations, to appear in: Y. Tschinkel (ed.) Seminars 2004, Mathematisches Institut Göttingen.
  3. Projective extensions of fields (with applications to the inverse Galois problem and the Leopoldt conjecture), 2004, submitted to J. London Math. Soc.
  4. Products of absolute Galois groups, to appear in Int. Math. Res. Not. 2005,
  5. Regularly closed fields and relatively projective groups (with A. Prestel and J. Schmid), 2003.
  6. The regular inverse Galois problem over non-large fields, J. European Mathematical Society 6(4), 2004, 425-434.
  7. On the section conjecture in anabelian geometry, to appear in J. reine angew. Math.
  8. Defining transcendentals in function fields, Journal of Symbolic Logic 67(3), 2002, 947-956.
  9. Elementary characterization of fields by their absolute Galois group, in: Siberian Advances in Mathemtics 14(3), 2004, 1-26.
  10. Encoding valuations in absolute Galois groups, Fields Institute Communications 33, 2003, 107-132.
  11. Relatively projective groups as absolute Galois groups, Israel Journal of Math. 127, 2002, 93-129.
  12. Free products of absolute Galois groups (with D.Haran, M.Jarden), preprint, 2000.
  13. Solvable absolute Galois groups are metabelian, Invent. math. 144, 2001, 1-22.
  14. Elementary characterization of fields by their absolute Galois group, Habilitationsschrift, Konstanz 1998.
  15. Pro-p Galois groups of rank ≤ 4, manuscr.math. 95, 1998, 251-271.
  16. Galois-theoretic characterization of p-adic fields, in Proceedings of the joint AMS-IMU meeting in Jerusalem, May 1995.
  17. Abelian subgroups of pro-p-Galois groups (with A.J.Engler), Trans. AMS 350(6), 1998, 2473-85.
  18. On the Galois-theoretic nature of valued fields, preprint, 1995.
  19. From p-rigid elements to valuations (with a Galois-characterization of p-adic fields), J.reine angew. Math. 465, 1995, 165-182.
  20. Definable valuations, Prépublications de l'Equipe de Logique No. 54, 1995; also to appear in Journal of Algebra.
  21. p-henselian fields, manuscr. math. 87, 1995, p.89-99; also in: Atas da XIII Escola de Algebra, ed. by A.J.Engler, IMECC-UNICAMP, 1995.
  22. Half-ordered fields, Dissertation, Konstanz, 1993.
  23. On a generalized Artin-Schreier theorem for real-maximal fields (with Ido Efrat), Illinois J.Math. 37 (3), 1993, p.477-488.
  24. Diplomarbeit zur Artin-Schreier-Theorie und Modelltheorie halbgeordneter Körper, Konstanz, 1987.