Administrative Hinweise zu Qmail, Filter für .qmail



ifpseudoplaintext -- check if a multipart message contains just a dummy text/plain part




Some multipart messages consist of a ``text/plain'' and a ``text/html'' component. In some of these cases, the ``text/plain'' part is empty or contains messages like

   ``This message contains an HTML formatted message but your email client
   does not support the display of HTML. Please view this message in a
   different mail client or forward this email to a web-based mail system.''


   ``No text version was provided''

which are not helpful for mail readers who strictly prefer plain text messages.

ifpseudoplaintext scans the main body and all attachments for MIME type declarations. If no ``text/plain'' component is found, ifpseudoplaintext exits 100. If any ``text/plain'' parts are found that seem to contain real text, ifpseudoplaintext exits 100. However, if all ``text/plain'' parts are empty or contain just pseudo contents as above, ifpseudoplaintext exits 0.

In short, ifpseudoplaintext rejects all messages that have ``text/plain'' components but all of them contain just pseudo contents.


This utility can be used within ~/.qmail scripts to filter out messages which are encoded in text/html:

   |bouncesaying 'Sorry, I found no real plain text!' ifpseudoplaintext


Andreas Borchert
converted to HTML: 2006/03/29