Stack Data Structure: Local Variables

We want to compute (for some reason) the formula \(a^2 + 2b + bc\). The variables \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) are stored on the stack. After the computation these variables are removed from the stack and the result was pushed on the stack.

Complete the following code snippet:

.equ    ZERO,   0
.equ    RIP,    1
.equ    RSP,    3
.equ    TMP1,   7
.equ    TMP2,   8
.equ    TMP3,   9

.macro stack_init
        orq     %ZERO,  %ZERO,  %RSP

.macro  pushq   REG
        subq    $8,     %RSP,   %RSP
        movq    \REG,   (%RSP)

.macro  popq    REG
        movq    (%RSP), \REG
        addq    $8,     %RSP,   %RSP

.macro  set     VAL,    REG
        orq     \VAL,   %ZERO,   \REG

.macro  enter   VAL
        set     \VAL,   %TMP1
        pushq   %TMP1

# enter a
        enter $1
# enter b
        enter $2
# enter c
        enter $3
# now we have stored a, b and c on the stack:
#       a in  16(%RSP)
#       b in   8(%RSP)
#       c in    (%RSP)

# compute  a^2 + 2*b + b*c
#       a*a -> res
        # youre code here
#       2*a -> res
        # youre code here
#       b*c