Von Neumann Architecture (VNA)


Supplementary Material

For the computer lab you need to work with the UNIX terminal. We provide some supplementary material for this reason. Please note that this material is not complete. It is also not intended to be complete. However, we hope it covers for beginners the most fundamental basics and gives a good starting point for self-studying this matter.

Obtain the ULM simulator

This only needs to be done once:

thales$ git clone https://github.com/michael-lehn/ulm.git
Klone nach 'ulm' ...

Compile the simulator

thales$ cd ulm
thales$ g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -o ulm ulm.cc

Use the simulator

Create a file example.ulm that contains the following text:

81 14 00 01
1A 01 00 02
61 01 02 02
46 02 01 00
00 00 00 00
11 33 55 77

Start the simulator and run this machine code by typing on the shell: ulm example.ulm.