VNA: Control Structures


Warning On thales the ULM Assembler will not work! The installed gawk is to old! Use the Linux computers in E44. If you have your own Linux box you should have no problem. All Linux distributions have a decent gawk version.

If you want to login on a E44 computer via ssh:

  • first login on thales (ssh

  • then login on a E44 computer, e.g. on heim with ssh heim (here you can skip the login name an the domain

Update the ULM simulator (and obtain the assembler)

Change into the directory that contains (cloned from github in the previous session). Then update the source code for the simulator:

thales$ pwd
thales$ git pull
Already up-to-date.

Note that this will also download or update the ULM assembler (consisting of ulmas_label.awk and ulmas_codegen.awk).

If you don't get a message that the source code of was up-to-date you need to re-compile with

thales$ g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -o ulm

Using the Assembler

The assembler consists of 3 awk scripts:

You have to run these scripts in the given order. Splitting the assembler into different scripts has the advantage that you can observe intermediate results after each step.


Create a file foo1_asm.s (in the directory with the ULM simulator and the assembler) with following content:

.equ    pN       1
.equ    N        2

        orq     $n,     %0,     %pN
        movzbq  (%pN,   %0),    %N
        subq    $1,     %N,     %0
        ja      then
        orq     $0x0D,  %0,     %N      # else
        jmp     $0x02
        orq     $0x2A,  %0,     %N
        movb    %N,     (%pN,   %0)
.quad   0x8000000000000000

Generate machine code for the ULM with

heim$ cat foo1_asm.s | gawk -f ulmas_macro.awk | gawk -f ulmas_label.awk | gawk -f ulmas_codegen.awk
81 20 00 01    # 0000 :	orq	$0x20,	%0,	%1
1A 01 00 02    # 0004 :	movzbq	(%1,	%0),	%2
63 01 02 00    # 0008 :	subq	$1,	%2,	%0
99 00 00 02    # 000C :	ja	$2
81 0D 00 02    # 0010 :	orq	$0x0D,	%0,	%2
9A 00 00 02    # 0014 :	jmp	$0x02
81 2A 00 02    # 0018 :	orq	$0x2A,	%0,	%2
46 02 01 00    # 001C :	movb	%2,	(%1,	%0)
80 00 00 00    #-0020
00 00 00 00    #-0024

If you want to see intermediate results just stop after running a script:

You can redirect the output (containing the machine code) into a file. For example, into foo1_asm.ulm:

heim$ cat foo1_asm.s | gawk -f ulmas_macro.awk | gawk -f ulmas_label.awk | gawk -f ulmas_codegen.awk > foo1_asm.ulm

Or do both, print the output on the therminal and redirect it, with the tee command:

heim$ cat foo1_asm.s | gawk -f ulmas_macro.awk | gawk -f ulmas_label.awk | gawk -f ulmas_codegen.awk | tee foo1_asm.ulm
81 20 00 01    # 0000 :	orq	$0x20,	%0,	%1
1A 01 00 02    # 0004 :	movzbq	(%1,	%0),	%2
63 01 02 00    # 0008 :	subq	$1,	%2,	%0
99 00 00 02    # 000C :	ja	$2
81 0D 00 02    # 0010 :	orq	$0x0D,	%0,	%2
9A 00 00 02    # 0014 :	jmp	$0x02
81 2A 00 02    # 0018 :	orq	$0x2A,	%0,	%2
46 02 01 00    # 001C :	movb	%2,	(%1,	%0)
80 00 00 00    #-0020
00 00 00 00    #-0024


Use the assembler on all the other examples from the lecture. Remember that you can print the exit code of a UNIX process with echo $?.


You get the following assembly code when you pulled the ULM simulator and assembler from github:

.equ    N       5                       # Immediate value for vector length
.equ    I       1                       # register for i
.equ    X       2                       # address of x
.equ    RES     3                       # register for res
.equ    TMP     4                       # register for tmp

        load    $0,     %I              # I = 0
        load    $x,     %X              # address of x[0]
        load    $0,     %RES            # result = 0
        jmp     check                   # goto check
        movzbq  (%X,    %I),    %TMP    # x[I]
        addq    %TMP,   %RES,   %RES    # result += x[I]
        addq    $1,     %I,     %I      # ++I
        subq    $N,     %I,     %0      # If (I<N)
        jb      loop                    #       goto loop
        halt    %RES                    # return result
        .byte   1
        .byte   2
        .byte   3
        .byte   4
        .byte   5

First analyse the code:

Then use the assembler to translate the assembly code into machine code. Use the simulator to run the program


Write a assembly program that has the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the data segment as bytes and exits with the product of these numbers. You can use the assembly instruction mulq for multiplying registers. For example

mulq    %1,     %2,     %3

multiplies register 1 with register 2 and stores the result in register 3.


Write a assembly program that has the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the data segment as quad word and exits with the product of these numbers.


Write a program that realizes the following pseudo code:

Global Variable: n (unsigned integer, size=1 byte)

Main program:
    result = 1
    for i=1,...,n:
        result <- result * i
    return result


Write a program that realizes the following pseudo code:

Global Variable: n (unsigned integer, size=1 byte)

Main program:
    result = 1
    while n>1:
        result <- result * n
        n      <- n-1
    return result

Submit your Solution

Send your attached solution by Email to Use the subject HPC0: quiz01.

Deadline: May 4th, 2pm