#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>

// function initGeMatrix
   Your Code here.

// function printGeMatrix
   Your Code here.

#ifndef COLMAJOR
#define COLMAJOR 1

    printf("COLMAJOR = %d\n", COLMAJOR);

    size_t m = 5, n = 10;

    ptrdiff_t incRowA = COLMAJOR ? 0 : 0;       // <- FIXME
    ptrdiff_t incColA = COLMAJOR ? 0 : 0;       // <- FIXME

    // allocate memory for A
    double *A = malloc(m*n*sizeof(double));
    if (!A) {

    // initialize matrix A
    initGeMatrix(m, n, A, incRowA, incColA);

    // print matrix A
    printf("A =\n");
    printGeMatrix(m, n, A, incRowA, incColA);

    // print how elements are stored in memory
    printf("memory layout of A:\n");
    // use printGeMatrix!                       // <- Your code here

    // print a matrix view of A
    printf("A(0:2, 0:3) =\n");
    printGeMatrix(0, 0, A, incRowA, incColA);   // <- FIXME

    // print a matrix view of A
    printf("A(2:4, 3:8) =\n");
    printGeMatrix(0, 0, A, incRowA, incColA);   // <- FIXME

    // print a matrix view of A
    printf("A(2:4, 3:8)^T =\n");
    printGeMatrix(0, 0, A, incRowA, incColA);   // <- FIXME

    // release memory