======================================= Application: Unblocked LU Factorization [TOC] ======================================= Implement the unblocked LU factorization with partial pivoting and demonstrate on a small example that it works. If you want: Develop your solution in an iterative process which is outlined in the following. Setup a matrix ============== In `main`: - Use and initialize some variables for matrix dimensions and increments - Initialize a pointer for the first matrix element with dynamically allocated memory - Initialize the matrix with some values. - Print the matrix. LU factorization without pivoting ================================= Implement the LU factorization without pivoting: - Solve your example problem with pencil and paper - Setup a function for this - Copy and paste the BLAS functions needed - Implement the function - Make changes in `main` such that it print the matrix before and after the factorization. - Check your results. You can subdivide the implementation of the LU factorization in even more steps.