Sample solution


template<typename T,
   template<typename> class MA,
   template<typename> class MB,
   Require<Ge<MA<T>>, Ge<MB<T>>> = true>
int scatter_by_row(const MA<T>& A, MB<T>& B, int root, MPI_Comm comm) {

   int nof_processes; MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nof_processes);
   int rank; MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);

   MPI_Datatype rowtype_B = get_row_type(B);
   if (rank == root) {
      assert(A.numCols() == B.numCols());

      hpc::aux::UniformSlices<int> slices(nof_processes, A.numRows());
      std::vector<int> counts(nof_processes);
      std::vector<int> offsets(nof_processes);

      MPI_Datatype rowtype_A = get_row_type(A);
      for (int i = 0; i < nof_processes; ++i) {
         if (i < A.numRows()) {
            counts[i] = slices.size(i);
            offsets[i] = slices.offset(i);
         } else {
            counts[i] = 0; offsets[i] = 0;
      int recvcount = counts[rank];
      assert(B.numRows() == recvcount);

      return MPI_Scatterv(
         &A(0, 0), &counts[0], &offsets[0], rowtype_A,
         &B(0, 0), recvcount, rowtype_B, root, comm);
   } else {
      int recvcount = B.numRows();
      return MPI_Scatterv(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
         &B(0, 0), recvcount, rowtype_B, root, comm);

template<typename T,
   template<typename> class MA,
   template<typename> class MB,
   Require<Ge<MA<T>>, Ge<MB<T>>> = true>
int gather_by_row(const MA<T>& A, MB<T>& B, int root, MPI_Comm comm) {
   int nof_processes; MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nof_processes);
   int rank; MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);

   MPI_Datatype rowtype_A = get_row_type(A);

   if (rank == root) {
      assert(A.numCols() == B.numCols());

      hpc::aux::UniformSlices<int> slices(nof_processes, B.numRows());
      std::vector<int> counts(nof_processes);
      std::vector<int> offsets(nof_processes);

      for (int i = 0; i < nof_processes; ++i) {
         if (i < B.numRows()) {
            counts[i] = slices.size(i);
            offsets[i] = slices.offset(i);
         } else {
            counts[i] = 0; offsets[i] = 0;
      int sendcount = counts[rank];
      assert(A.numRows() == sendcount);

      MPI_Datatype rowtype_B = get_row_type(B);

      return MPI_Gatherv(
         &A(0, 0), sendcount, rowtype_A,
         &B(0, 0), &counts[0], &offsets[0], rowtype_B, root, comm);
   } else {
      int sendcount = A.numRows();
      return MPI_Gatherv((void*) &A(0, 0), sendcount, rowtype_A,
         nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, root, comm);
theon$ mpic++ -g -std=c++17 -I/home/numerik/pub/pp/ss19/lib -o scatter-gather3 scatter-gather3.cpp
theon$ mpirun -np 4 scatter-gather3
  10000  10001  10002  10003  10004
  10100  10101  10102  10103  10104
  10200  10201  10202  10203  10204
  10300  10301  10302  10303  10304
  20400  20401  20402  20403  20404
  20500  20501  20502  20503  20504
  20600  20601  20602  20603  20604
  30700  30701  30702  30703  30704
  30800  30801  30802  30803  30804
  30900  30901  30902  30903  30904
  41000  41001  41002  41003  41004
  41100  41101  41102  41103  41104
  41200  41201  41202  41203  41204
heim$ OMPI_CXX=g++-8.3 mpic++ -g -std=c++17 -I/home/numerik/pub/pp/ss19/lib -o scatter-gather3 scatter-gather3.cpp -Wno-literal-suffix
/usr/local/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.3.0/cc1plus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
heim$ mpirun -np 4 scatter-gather3
Open MPI tried to fork a new process via the "execve" system call but
failed.  Open MPI checks many things before attempting to launch a
child process, but nothing is perfect. This error may be indicative
of another problem on the target host, or even something as silly as
having specified a directory for your application. Your job will now

  Local host:        heim
  Working dir:       /home/numerik/pp/ss19/sessions/session07
  Application name:  /home/borchert/pp/ss19/sessions/session07/scatter-gather3
  Error:             No such file or directory
mpirun was unable to start the specified application as it encountered an

Error code: 1
Error name: (null)
Node: heim

when attempting to start process rank 0.
[heim:02436] 3 more processes have sent help message help-orte-odls-default.txt / execve error
[heim:02436] Set MCA parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" to 0 to see all help / error messages
4 total processes failed to start