
#ifdef __CUDACC__

#include <cstddef>
#include <hpc/cuda/check.hpp>
#include <hpc/cuda/gematrix.hpp>

namespace hpc { namespace cuda {

namespace trivial_aggregate_impl {

constexpr std::size_t BLOCK_DIM = 32;

   template<typename> class MatrixA,
   template<typename> class MatrixB,
   typename T,
   typename Aggregator,
      DeviceGe<MatrixA<T>>, DeviceView<MatrixA<T>>,
      DeviceGe<MatrixB<T>>, DeviceView<MatrixB<T>>
   > = true
__global__ void aggregate2d(const MatrixA<T> A, MatrixB<T> B,
      Aggregator aggregator) {
   std::size_t i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
   std::size_t j = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;

   __shared__ T local_block[BLOCK_DIM][BLOCK_DIM];

   std::size_t me_i = threadIdx.x;
   std::size_t me_j = threadIdx.y;
   if (i < A.numRows() && j < A.numCols()) {
      local_block[me_i][me_j] = A(i, j);

   std::size_t active_i = blockDim.x / 2;
   std::size_t active_j = blockDim.y / 2;

   while (active_i > 0) {
      if (me_i < active_i && i + active_i < A.numRows()) {
	 local_block[me_i][me_j] = aggregator(local_block[me_i][me_j],
	    local_block[me_i + active_i][me_j]);
      active_i /= 2;
   while (active_j > 0) {
      if (me_j < active_j && j + active_j < A.numCols()) {
	 local_block[me_i][me_j] = aggregator(local_block[me_i][me_j],
	    local_block[me_i][me_j + active_j]);
      active_j /= 2;
   if (me_i == 0 && me_j == 0) {
      B(blockIdx.x, blockIdx.y) = local_block[0][0];

inline constexpr std::size_t ceildiv(std::size_t x, std::size_t y) {
   /* note that we expect x > 0 && y > 0;
      not safe against overflows but we expect y to be small */
   return (x + y - 1) / y;

} // namespace trivial_aggregate_impl

   template<typename> class Matrix,
   typename T,
   typename Aggregator,
   Require< DeviceGe<Matrix<T>> > = true
T aggregate(const Matrix<T>& A, Aggregator&& aggregator) {
   using namespace trivial_aggregate_impl;
   if (A.numRows() > 1 || A.numCols() > 1) {
      DeviceGeMatrix<T> B(ceildiv(A.numRows(), BLOCK_DIM),
	 ceildiv(A.numCols(), BLOCK_DIM));
      auto target = B.view();
      const auto source = A.view();
      dim3 grid_dim(ceildiv(A.numRows(), BLOCK_DIM),
	 ceildiv(A.numCols(), BLOCK_DIM));
      dim3 block_dim(BLOCK_DIM, BLOCK_DIM);
      aggregate2d<<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>(source, target, aggregator);
      return aggregate(target, std::move(aggregator));
   } else {
      T result;
      CHECK_CUDA(cudaMemcpy, &result, A.data(), sizeof(T),
      return result;

} } // namespaces cuda, hpc

#	error This CUDA source must be compiled using nvcc
