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Transactions - an abstraction for transactions in distributed systems


TYPE Transaction = POINTER TO TransactionRec;
TYPE TransactionRec = RECORD (Services.ObjectRec) END;
TYPE Object = Services.Object;

TYPE AccessSpecification = PersistentDisciplines.Object;

CONST defined = 0; begun = 1; committed = 2; aborted = 3; TYPE State = SHORTINT; (* defined..aborted *)

TYPE AttachProc = PROCEDURE (trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; obj: Object; aspec: AccessSpecification) : BOOLEAN; TYPE AttachedProc = PROCEDURE (trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; obj: Object) : BOOLEAN; TYPE GetAttachedProc = PROCEDURE (trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR it: Iterators.Iterator) : BOOLEAN; TYPE TransProc = PROCEDURE (trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid) : BOOLEAN; TYPE GetStateProc = PROCEDURE (trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR state: State) : BOOLEAN; TYPE GetNameProc = PROCEDURE (trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR name: ConstStrings.String) : BOOLEAN; TYPE TakeInterestProc = PROCEDURE (trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR eventType: Events.EventType) : BOOLEAN; TYPE Interface = POINTER TO InterfaceRec; TYPE InterfaceRec = RECORD (Objects.ObjectRec); attach: AttachProc; attachable: AttachProc; attached: AttachedProc; getAttached: GetAttachedProc; begin: TransProc; commit: TransProc; abort: TransProc; release: TransProc; getState: GetStateProc; getName: GetNameProc; takeInterest: TakeInterestProc; END;

TYPE Event = POINTER TO EventRec; TYPE EventRec = RECORD (Events.EventRec) state: State; (* begun, committed, or aborted *) trans: Transaction; END;

CONST beginFailed = 0; commitFailed = 1; abortFailed = 2; CONST attachFailed = 4; releaseFailed = 5; TYPE ErrorCode = SHORTINT; (* beginFailed..releaseFailed *) TYPE ErrorEvent = POINTER TO ErrorEventRec; TYPE ErrorEventRec = RECORD (Events.EventRec); errcode: ErrorCode; trans: Transaction; END; VAR error: Events.EventType;

PROCEDURE Init(trans: Transaction; if: Interface); PROCEDURE Release(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid) : BOOLEAN;

(* defining and examining the set of attached objects *) PROCEDURE Attach(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; obj: Object; aspec: AccessSpecification) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Attached(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; obj: Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Attachable(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; obj: Object; aspec: AccessSpecification) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GetAttached(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR it: Iterators.Iterator) : BOOLEAN;

(* transaction primitives *) PROCEDURE Begin(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Commit(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Abort(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid) : BOOLEAN;

(* further requests *) PROCEDURE GetName(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR name: ConstStrings.String) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GetState(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR state: State) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE TakeInterest(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR eventType: Events.EventType) : BOOLEAN;


Transactions defines an extensible abstraction for the execution of transactions in a distributed system. This module represents the application's view of a transaction which regards a transaction as a frame for the execution of an arbitrary number of operations on various objects attached to it. From this point of view, a transaction fulfills the following properties:
Either all operations and state changes executed on the objects within the scope of a transaction become valid permanently or none of them.
If once successfully ended, all state changes and operations on the attached objects remain valid regardless of subsequent hard- or software failures.
Parallel executed transactions run independently from each other, meaning that none of the operations executed within the scope of one of them may be visible outside before the transaction successfully ended.
Transactions guarantee a consistent state for all attached objects even in cases of unpredictable termination of programs or tasks. This includes that all constraints defined for the objects hold true when a transaction has finished, regardless of its particular result.

Implementors of transactions must guarantee these properties and provide a set of interface procedures to control the execution of a transaction. The interface procedures passed to Init are expected to meet the following specifications:

attach: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; obj: Object; aspec: AccessSpecification) : BOOLEAN;
Attach object obj to transaction trans. The parameter aspec allows to specify how an object is intended to be accessed within the context of this transaction. Unlimited access is indicated by NIL, other object-specific variants may include the specification of object parts (e.g. a subset of a container) to permit parallel transactions, or read-only access. This parameter should be passed to the given object by the implementation of trans.

attached: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; obj: Object) : BOOLEAN;
Indicate if obj is attached to trans

attachable: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; obj: Object; aspec: AccessSpecification) : BOOLEAN;
Indicate if an object can be attached to the transaction with respect to aspec.

getAttached: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR it: Iterators.Iterator) : BOOLEAN;
Return the objects currently attached to trans.

trans: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid) : BOOLEAN;
Mark the beginning of a transaction. Any following update operation within the scope of trans must not alter the behaviour of the attached objects permanently despite a successful ending of the transaction. This procedure must not block the calling task.

commit: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid) : BOOLEAN;
Mark the end of a transaction. Any update operation or state change executed since the transaction began has to become permanently. This procedure should block the calling task until all attached objects are in a consistent state.

abort: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid) : BOOLEAN;
Abort the transaction and reset the objects to a state valid before the transaction began.

release: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid) : BOOLEAN;
Release all resources associated with trans. This includes an implicit abortion if the transaction was active (state begun).

getState: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR state: State) : BOOLEAN;
Return the current state of trans where state should be one of:
The transaction is defined but has not been executed yet.
The transaction has been begun and is still in progress.
The transaction was aborted (no matter for what reason).
The transaction was committed successfully (i.e. all attached objects reported success for their commit operation).

getName: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR name: ConstStrings.String) : BOOLEAN;
Return a name for the transaction. The interpretation of names is implementation-dependent. This interface procedure may be omitted -- GetName returns NIL then.

takeInterest: PROCEDURE(trans: Transaction; auth: Shards.Lid; VAR eventType: Events.EventType) : BOOLEAN;
Return the event type which is used to propagate the state changes begun, committed, and aborted (as events of type Event). These events are to be raised after the state changes became effective.

Applications can control the transactions and obtain state information about them by means of the exported procedures which in general follow the specifications of the corresponding interface procedures. The transactions are free to reject the requested operation for reasons of insufficient authorization provided as parameter auth.

While transactions guarantee the basic properties described above, their behaviour in detail is implementation-dependent. This affects the following aspects:


All procedures return FALSE if the associated operation of the underlying implementation fails. If a major operation fails (Abort, Attach, Begin, Commit, and Release), an event of type error indicating the failed operation (abortFailed, ...) is raised and related to the concerned transaction. Furthermore, the underlying implementation is expected to generate more elaborate error events.


trivial case of transactions with one object only
error handling
associated provider for the RemoteObjects service
type-independent definition of extensions
authorization protocol


Werner Stanglow (stanglow@mathematik.uni-ulm.de),
revisions due to Andreas Borchert
Edited by: borchert, last change: 1996/11/28, revision: 1.3, converted to HTML: 1997/04/28

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