Eine Abstraktion für assoziative Arrays IV

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PROCEDURE Hashable(hash: Hash;
                   object: Objects.Object) : BOOLEAN;
   (* return TRUE if the key of object is compatible
      to those of hash

PROCEDURE Acceptable(hash: Hash;
                     object: Objects.Object) : BOOLEAN;
   (* return TRUE if the key of object is hashable and
      not yet present in hash

PROCEDURE Insert(hash: Hash; object: Objects.Object);
   (* precondition: object must be acceptable for hash
      adds object to hash

PROCEDURE Delete(hash: Hash; key: Objects.Object);
   (* precondition: key must be hashable for hash
      deletes object out of hash that has a key that
      is considered equal to key

PROCEDURE Lookup(hash: Hash; key: Objects.Object;
                 VAR object: Objects.Object) : BOOLEAN;
   (* precondition: key must be hashable for hash;
      stores into object that object of the hash
         that is identical to key if present;
      returns TRUE if one object has been found

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