#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char* cmdname; stralloc tmpfile = {0}; bool tmpfile_created = false; /* print an out of memory message to standard error and exit */ void memerr() { static char memerrmsg[] = "out of memory error\n"; write(2, memerrmsg, sizeof(memerrmsg) - 1); if (tmpfile_created) unlink(tmpfile.s); exit(1); } /* print a error message to standard error and exit; include "message" in the output message, if not 0, otherwise strerror(errno) is being used */ void die(char* filename, char* message) { stralloc msg = {0}; if (stralloc_copys(&msg, cmdname) && stralloc_cats(&msg, ": ") && ( message? stralloc_cats(&msg, message) : stralloc_cats(&msg, strerror(errno)) ) && stralloc_cats(&msg, ": ") && stralloc_cats(&msg, filename) && stralloc_cats(&msg, "\n")) { write(2, msg.s, msg.len); } else { memerr(); } if (tmpfile_created) unlink(tmpfile.s); exit(1); } void randsleep() { static int invocations = 0; if (invocations == 0) { srand(getpid()); } ++invocations; /* determine timeout value (in milliseconds) */ int timeout = rand() % (10 * invocations + 100); if (poll(0, 0, timeout) < 0) die("poll", 0); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* process command line arguments */ cmdname = argv[0]; if (argc != 2) { stralloc usage = {0}; if (stralloc_copys(&usage, "Usage: ") && stralloc_cats(&usage, cmdname) && stralloc_cats(&usage, " counter\n")) { write(2, usage.s, usage.len); } else { memerr(); } exit(1); } char* counter_file = argv[1]; /* try to open the temporary file which also serves as a lock */ if (!stralloc_copys(&tmpfile, counter_file) || !stralloc_cats(&tmpfile, ".tmp") || !stralloc_0(&tmpfile)) { memerr(); } int outfd; for (int tries = 0; tries < 10; ++tries) { outfd = open(tmpfile.s, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0666); if (outfd >= 0) break; if (errno != EEXIST) break; randsleep(); } if (outfd < 0) die(tmpfile.s, 0); tmpfile_created = true; /* determine current value of the counter */ int current_value; int infd = open(counter_file, O_RDONLY); if (infd >= 0) { char buf[512]; ssize_t nbytes = read(infd, buf, sizeof buf); if (nbytes <= 0) die(counter_file, 0); current_value = 0; for (char* cp = buf; cp < buf + nbytes; ++cp) { if (!isdigit(*cp)) die(counter_file, "decimal digits expected"); current_value = current_value * 10 + *cp - '0'; } } else if (errno != ENOENT) { die(counter_file, 0); } else { /* start a new counter */ current_value = 0; } /* increment the counter and write it to the tmpfile */ ++current_value; stralloc outbuf = {0}; if (!stralloc_copys(&outbuf, "") || !stralloc_catint(&outbuf, current_value)) { memerr(); } int nbytes = write(outfd, outbuf.s, outbuf.len); if (nbytes < outbuf.len) die(tmpfile.s, 0); if (fsync(outfd) < 0) die(tmpfile.s, 0); if (close(outfd) < 0) die(tmpfile.s, 0); /* update counter file atomically by a rename */ if (rename(tmpfile.s, counter_file) < 0) die(counter_file, 0); tmpfile_created = false; /* write counter value to stdout */ if (!stralloc_cats(&outbuf, "\n")) memerr(); nbytes = write(1, outbuf.s, outbuf.len); if (nbytes < outbuf.len) die("stdout", 0); }