#include #include #include #include #include typedef struct { double latitude; double longitude; } Coordinates; double square(double x) { return x * x; } #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* formula taken from https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodrome */ double compute_distance(Coordinates a, Coordinates b) { static const double f = 1/298.257223563; static const double ar = 6378.137; double F = (a.latitude + b.latitude) / 2; double G = (a.latitude - b.latitude) / 2; double l = (a.longitude - b.longitude) / 2; /* convert F, G and l into radians */ F = PI/180 * F; G = PI/180 * G; l = PI/180 * l; double S = square(sin(G)) * square(cos(l)) + square(cos(F)) * square(sin(l)); double C = square(cos(G)) * square(cos(l)) + square(sin(F)) * square(sin(l)); double w = atan(sqrt(S/C)); double D = 2 * w * ar; double T = sqrt(S*C) / w; double H1 = (3*T - 1)/(2*C); double H2 = (3*T + 1)/(2*S); double s = D * (1 + f*H1*square(sin(F))*square(cos(G)) - f*H2*square(cos(F))*square(sin(G))); printf("distance of (%lg,%lg) to (%lg,%lg) = %lg\n", a.longitude, a.latitude, b.longitude, b.latitude, s); // salami return s; } /* compute the hash value for a name */ unsigned long int get_hashval(const char* name) { unsigned long int hashval = 0; for (const char* cp = name; *cp; ++cp) { hashval = (hashval << 3) ^ *cp ^ (hashval >> 28); } return hashval; } typedef struct Town { char* name; Coordinates coord; struct Town* next; } Town; #define BUCKET_SIZE (16384) typedef struct { Town* bucket[BUCKET_SIZE]; } Table; void init_table(Table* table) { for (int i = 0; i < BUCKET_SIZE; ++i) { table->bucket[i] = 0; } } bool add_town(Table* table, char* name, Coordinates coord) { Town* town = malloc(sizeof(Town)); if (!town) return false; town->name = strdup(name); town->coord = coord; unsigned long int hashval = get_hashval(name) % BUCKET_SIZE; town->next = table->bucket[hashval]; table->bucket[hashval] = town; return true; } Town* find_town(Table* table, char* name) { unsigned long int hashval = get_hashval(name) % BUCKET_SIZE; for (Town* town = table->bucket[hashval]; town; town = town->next) { if (strcmp(town->name, name) == 0) { return town; } } return 0; } bool load_towns(Table* table, char* filename) { FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) return false; char buf[128]; while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp)) { unsigned int index = 0; char* field[3]; field[0] = buf; ++index; for (char* cp = buf; *cp; ++cp) { if (*cp == ':') { *cp = 0; if (index == 3) break; field[index++] = cp + 1; } } Coordinates coord; if (sscanf(field[1], "%lg", &coord.longitude) != 1 || sscanf(field[2], "%lg", &coord.latitude) != 1 || !add_town(table, field[0], coord)) { fclose(fp); return false; } } fclose(fp); return true; } int main() { Table table; init_table(&table); if (!load_towns(&table, "gemeinden.txt")) { printf("Could not load table of towns.\n"); exit(1); } Town* start = find_town(&table, "Ulm"); Town* destination = find_town(&table, "Kiel"); if (!start || !destination) { printf("Oops, input data appears to be incomplete.\n"); exit(1); } printf("*** Long chain of short trips ***\n"); printf("Your objective is to travel from %s to %s\n", start->name, destination->name); printf("through a long chain of intermediate towns where\n"); printf("the maximal distance between two consecutive towns\n"); printf("of your journey is to be minimized.\n"); Town* current = start; double max_distance = 0; while (current != destination) { printf("You are currently located in %s.\n", current->name); Town* next; do { printf("Next town? "); char buf[128]; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin)) { printf("Bye!\n"); exit(1); } for (char* cp = buf; *cp; ++cp) { if (*cp == '\n') { *cp = 0; break; } } next = find_town(&table, buf); if (!next) { printf("There is no such town.\n"); } } while (!next); double distance = compute_distance(current->coord, next->coord); printf("Distance from %s to %s: %.1lf km\n", current->name, next->name, distance); if (distance > max_distance) { max_distance = distance; printf("This is the new maximal distance!\n"); } current = next; } printf("Welcome to %s!\n", destination->name); printf("Your maximal intermediate distance was %.1lf km\n", max_distance); }