Universität Ulm, Fakultät für Mathematik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, SAI

WS 97/98 || Entwicklung objekt-orientierter Bibliotheken || Beispiele || Collections-16

DEFINITION PrintableObjects

DEFINITION PrintableObjects;

   IMPORT Services, Streams;

   (* secondary abstraction for printable objects
      which is usually to be supported by type-dependent modules

      PrintProc = PROCEDURE (s: Streams.Stream; object: Services.Object);

   PROCEDURE Support(for: Services.Type; print: PrintProc);
      (* supply print method for all instances of `for' and its extensions *)

   PROCEDURE SetDefault(s: Streams.Stream; default: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      (* sets the per-stream default output text for objects
	 which do not have an associated print method

   PROCEDURE Print(s: Streams.Stream; object: Services.Object);
      (* call the print method of `object', or, if not present,
	 the per-stream default text, or, if not present, a question mark

END PrintableObjects.

WS 97/98 || Entwicklung objekt-orientierter Bibliotheken || Beispiele || Collections-16

Andreas Borchert, 12. Januar 1998