Buttons & Entries

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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use Tk;
use strict;

my $command = "";    # text variable of entry
my @buttons = ();    # list of command buttons

my $main = new MainWindow;
my $quit = $main->Button(
   '-text' => "Quit",
   '-command' => sub { exit },
$quit->pack('-fill' => 'x');
my $entry = $main->Entry('-textvariable' => \$command);
$entry->bind('<Control-u>', sub { $command = "" });
   sub { add_button($command); system($command); });
$entry->pack('-fill' => 'x');

sub add_button {
   my $cmd = shift;
   my $button = $main->Button(
      '-text' => $cmd, 
      '-command' => sub { system($cmd) },
   $button->pack('-fill' => 'x');
   push(@buttons, $button);
   if (@buttons > 5) {

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