      SUBROUTINE ZLAQR1( N, H, LDH, S1, S2, V )
*  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2) --
*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..
*     November 2006
*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      COMPLEX*16         S1, S2
      INTEGER            LDH, N
*     ..
*     .. Array Arguments ..
      COMPLEX*16         H( LDH, * ), V( * )
*     ..
*       Given a 2-by-2 or 3-by-3 matrix H, ZLAQR1 sets v to a
*       scalar multiple of the first column of the product
*       (*)  K = (H - s1*I)*(H - s2*I)
*       scaling to avoid overflows and most underflows.
*       This is useful for starting double implicit shift bulges
*       in the QR algorithm.
*       N      (input) integer
*              Order of the matrix H. N must be either 2 or 3.
*       H      (input) COMPLEX*16 array of dimension (LDH,N)
*              The 2-by-2 or 3-by-3 matrix H in (*).
*       LDH    (input) integer
*              The leading dimension of H as declared in
*              the calling procedure.  LDH.GE.N
*       S1     (input) COMPLEX*16
*       S2     S1 and S2 are the shifts defining K in (*) above.
*       V      (output) COMPLEX*16 array of dimension N
*              A scalar multiple of the first column of the
*              matrix K in (*).
*     ================================================================
*     Based on contributions by
*        Karen Braman and Ralph Byers, Department of Mathematics,
*        University of Kansas, USA
*     ================================================================
*     .. Parameters ..
      COMPLEX*16         ZERO
      PARAMETER          ( ZERO = ( 0.0d00.0d0 ) )
      PARAMETER          ( RZERO = 0.0d0 )
*     ..
*     .. Local Scalars ..
      COMPLEX*16         CDUM, H21S, H31S
*     ..
*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
*     ..
*     .. Statement Functions ..
*     ..
*     .. Statement Function definitions ..
*     ..
*     .. Executable Statements ..
      IF( N.EQ.2 ) THEN
         S = CABS1( H( 11 )-S2 ) + CABS1( H( 21 ) )
         IF( S.EQ.RZERO ) THEN
            V( 1 ) = ZERO
            V( 2 ) = ZERO
            H21S = H( 21 ) / S
            V( 1 ) = H21S*H( 12 ) + ( H( 11 )-S1 )*
     $               ( ( H( 11 )-S2 ) / S )
            V( 2 ) = H21S*( H( 11 )+H( 22 )-S1-S2 )
         END IF
         S = CABS1( H( 11 )-S2 ) + CABS1( H( 21 ) ) +
     $       CABS1( H( 31 ) )
         IF( S.EQ.ZERO ) THEN
            V( 1 ) = ZERO
            V( 2 ) = ZERO
            V( 3 ) = ZERO
            H21S = H( 21 ) / S
            H31S = H( 31 ) / S
            V( 1 ) = ( H( 11 )-S1 )*( ( H( 11 )-S2 ) / S ) +
     $               H( 12 )*H21S + H( 13 )*H31S
            V( 2 ) = H21S*( H( 11 )+H( 22 )-S1-S2 ) + H( 23 )*H31S
            V( 3 ) = H31S*( H( 11 )+H( 33 )-S1-S2 ) + H21S*H( 32 )
         END IF
      END IF