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Ulm's Modula-2 Library:


TimeIO - i/o of time and date


TYPE Style = (date, ls, env);


PROCEDURE WriteTime(format: ARRAY OF CHAR; time: Time); PROCEDURE FwriteTime(file: FILE; format: ARRAY OF CHAR; time: Time); PROCEDURE SwriteTime(VAR string: ARRAY OF CHAR; format: ARRAY OF CHAR; time: Time); PROCEDURE WriteTimeLike(style: Style; time: Time); PROCEDURE FwriteTimeLike(file: FILE; style: Style; time: Time); PROCEDURE SwriteTimeLike(VAR string: ARRAY OF CHAR; style: Style; time: Time);

PROCEDURE ReadTime(VAR time: Time); PROCEDURE FreadTime(file: FILE; VAR time: Time); PROCEDURE SreadTime(string: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR time: Time);

PROCEDURE WriteDate(format: ARRAY OF CHAR; date: Date); PROCEDURE FwriteDate(file: FILE; format: ARRAY OF CHAR; date: Date); PROCEDURE SwriteDate(VAR string: ARRAY OF CHAR; format: ARRAY OF CHAR; date: Date);

PROCEDURE ReadDate(VAR date: Date); PROCEDURE FreadDate(file: FILE; VAR date: Date); PROCEDURE SreadDate(string: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR date: Date);



The basic types of this module are Time and Date which are to be imported from Calendar. Time is the systems type of time (in seconds since January 1, 1970 GMT). Earlier times are possible because Time is a LONGINT.

Output is done using formats which are close to those of the date(1) command. All output fields are of fixed size (zero padded if necessary). Each field descriptor is preceded by % and will be replaced in the output by its corresponding value. A single % is encoded by %%. All other characters are copied to the output without change. Note that despite to date(1) no new-line character is appended to the string.

Field Descriptors:

              n   insert a new-line character
              t   insert a tab character
              m   month of year - 01 to 12
              d   day of month - 01 to 31
              y   last 2 digits of year - 00 to 99
              D   date as mm/dd/yy
              H   hour - 00 to 23
              M   minute - 00 to 59
              S   second - 00 to 59
              T   time as HH:MM:SS
              j   day of year - 001 to 366
              w   day of week - Sunday = 0
              a   abbreviated weekday - Sun to Sat
              h   abbreviated month - Jan to Dec
              r   time in AM/PM notation
              Y   year in 4 digits - 0000 to 9999
              Z   timezone in 3 letters
Note that Y and Z has been added.

WriteTime, FwriteTime, and SwriteTime print time according to the given format either to StdIO.stdout, file, or into string. If dates are printed using WriteDate, FwriteDate, or SwriteTime then hour, minute, and second are set to null if printed. WriteTimeLike, FwriteTimeLike, and SwriteTimeLike print time according to style:

date format of date(1)
ls format of ls(1)
env format found in the environment variable TIMEFMT

Reading of time and date depends on an ordered list of valid formats and a set of termination characters. This list can be extended using either Append or Insert. Append appends a new format at the end of the list and Insert inserts a new format before the beginning of the list. DefaultList appends a set of standard formats to the list and ReleaseList disposes the current list. The number of formats is limited, so Done should be checked after extending the list. An input format consists of a sequence of some letters with special meanings (see below) and other characters which must match the input. White space skipping (except new-line) is done by the reading procedure, so white space must not be given in input formats.

Field descriptors in input formats:

             y   year, 88 becomes 1988
             m   month, either 1 to 12 or Jan to Dec
             d   day, 1 to 31
             H   hour, 0 to 23
             M   minute, 0 to 59
             S   second, 0 to 59


     "m/d/yH:M:S"   us-date, matches "10/23/88 23:11:10"
     "d.m.yH:M:S"   german date, matches "23.10.88 23:11:10"
     "md,y"         matches "Oct 23, 1988"

Input is read until any termination character is found or none of the formats matches the input read so far. Termination characters are all characters except those not given in any of the input formats. If more than one format applies the first is taken. An input format needs not to include all time components. Missing values are defaulted by the current time or set to their minimal value. Read dates and times must be representable in the corresponding types:

Valid time ranges:

       Time   Dec 14, 1901 0:0:0   Dec 12, 2037, 23:59:59
       Date   Jan 1, 100 0:0:0     Dec 24, 2037, 23:59:59

Note that years less than 100 cannot be read because they are defaulted to the current century (so 88 becomes 1988). The time ranges are independent from the timezone.


date(1), Calendar, StdIO


The environment variable LC_TIME (see environ(5) and setlocale(3c)) is not honoured by this module.
Edited by: borchert, last change: 1997/02/25, revision: 1.2, converted to HTML: 1997/04/28

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