=================== C11: Function Calls [TOC] =================== - Always make reasonable choices in your C program for your variable types. - Identifiers used in your implementation should be consistent with the pseudo-code. - In all examples the global variable is initialized with 5. But try different values: - Make sure you compute $0!$ correct. - What do you noticw if $n!$ is larger than $255$? Exercise ======== Write a C program that realizes the following pseudo code: ---- CODE(type=txt) ------------------------------------------------------------ Global variable: n = 5 Function factorial(n) result <- 1 for i = 2, ..., n result <- result * i Main program: return factorial(n) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise ======== Write a C program that realizes the following pseudo code: ---- CODE(type=txt) ------------------------------------------------------------ Global variable: n = 5 Function factorial(n) result <- 1 while n > 1 result <- result * n n <- n - 1 Main program: return factorial(n) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise ======== Write a C program that realizes the following pseudo code: ---- CODE(type=txt) ------------------------------------------------------------ Global variable: n = 5 Function factorial(n) if n > 1 return n*factorial(n-1) else return 1 Main program: return factorial(n) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise ======== Make experiments with the handout examples.