========== Tool check [TOC] ========== Note that the command line tool `ulm` is only installed on `theon`, the GUI `ulm-qui` only on `heim` and the web interface only supports a subset of the instruction set. Now this sounds worse than it is ;-) In the video I show you how to access and use this tools. Video tutorial ============== ---- VIDEO ------------------------------ https://www.youtube.com/embed/8TCL8cvCqx8 ----------------------------------------- Supplements =========== Here just some notes about things mentioned in the video. ulm --- Should just work for everybody who has an account on `theon`. ulm-qui ------- You first have to login on `theon` and from there on `heim`. You can not access `heim` directly. Also, you have to use `ssh` with the `-X` option so that you have X11 forwarding. The program `ulm-qui` is installed in `/home/numerik/pub/bin`. By default this directory is not in your `PATH` variable. So for example, add the following line to your `.bashrc` in the home directory: ---- CODE(type=txt) ---------------- PATH=$PATH:/home/numerik/pub/bin ------------------------------------ You can do this with your favorite text editor or on the command line with ---- CODE(type=txt) ------------------------------------ echo 'PATH=$PATH:/home/numerik/pub/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc -------------------------------------------------------- This will take affect after you login the next time or if you source your bashrc file manually with ---- CODE(type=txt) ------------------------------------ source $HOME/.bashrc -------------------------------------------------------- :navigate: up -> doc:index back -> doc:session05/page01 next -> doc:session05/page03