
Zur Zusatzfrage: Der Aufruf der Zugriffsfunktion ist auf der CPU-Seite nicht zulässig, da die Methode mit __device__ gekannzeichnet ist. Deswegen ist x.data statt &x(0) zu verwenden.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <hpc/cuda/check.h>
#include <hpc/cuda/densevector.h>
#include <hpc/matvec/densevector.h>
#include <hpc/cuda/copy.h>

#define N 8192


template<typename Index, typename TX, typename TY>
TX dot(Index n, const TX* x, Index incX, TY* y, Index incY) {

   TX res = 0;
   for (Index index = 0; index < n; ++index) {
      res += x[index * incX] * y[index * incY];
   return res;

template<typename Index, typename T>
__global__ void asum(Index n, const T* x, T* sums) {
   __shared__ double sums_per_block[THREADS_PER_BLOCK];
   Index index = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
   Index me = threadIdx.x;
   if (index < n) {
      sums_per_block[me] = x[index];
   } else {
      sums_per_block[me] = 0;
   /* aggregate sum within a block */
   index = blockDim.x / 2;
   while (index) {
      if (me < index) {
         sums_per_block[me] += sums_per_block[me + index];
      index /= 2;
   if (me == 0) {
      sums[blockIdx.x] = sums_per_block[0];

template<typename Index, typename TX, typename TY, typename T>
__global__ void dot(Index n,
      const TX* x, Index incX, TY* y, Index incY, T* sums) {
   Index index = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

   T res;
   if (index < n) {
      res = x[index * incX] * y[index * incY];
   } else {
      res = 0;

   __shared__ double sums_per_block[THREADS_PER_BLOCK];
   Index me = threadIdx.x;
   sums_per_block[me] = res;

   /* aggregate sum within a block */
   index = blockDim.x / 2;
   while (index) {
      if (me < index) {
         sums_per_block[me] += sums_per_block[me + index];
      index /= 2;
   if (me == 0) {
      sums[blockIdx.x] = sums_per_block[0];

int main() {
   typedef double T;
   hpc::matvec::DenseVector<T> a(N);
   hpc::matvec::DenseVector<T> b(a.length);
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
      a(i) = i; b(i) = i * i;

   /* transfer vectors to GPU memory */
   hpc::cuda::DenseVector<T> dev_a(a.length);
   hpc::cuda::DenseVector<T> dev_b(b.length);
   copy(a, dev_a); copy(b, dev_b);

   hpc::cuda::DenseVector<T>* dev_sums =
      new hpc::cuda::DenseVector<T>(NUM_BLOCKS);

   /* execute kernel function on GPU */
   dot<<<NUM_BLOCKS, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(dev_a.length, dev_a.data,
      dev_a.inc, dev_b.data, dev_b.inc, dev_sums->data);
   unsigned int len = NUM_BLOCKS;
   while (len > 1) {
      unsigned int num_blocks = (len + THREADS_PER_BLOCK - 1) / THREADS_PER_BLOCK;
      hpc::cuda::DenseVector<T>* dev_sums2 =
         new hpc::cuda::DenseVector<T>(num_blocks);
      asum<<<num_blocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(len, dev_sums->data, dev_sums2->data);
      delete dev_sums; dev_sums = dev_sums2;
      len = num_blocks;

   /* transfer result vector from GPU to host memory */
   hpc::matvec::DenseVector<T> result(1);
   copy(*dev_sums, result); delete dev_sums;

   /* print difference to local result */
   double local_sum = dot(a.length, a.data, a.inc, b.data, b.inc);
   std::printf("diff: %12.4lg\n", std::abs(result(0) - local_sum));