produced with Windows 11 64 Bit and Cygwin-32Bit and Cygwin-64Bit
with Cygwin Linux-like environment for Windows: Cygwin DLL version 3.3.3
mintty: XTERM terminal emulator for Windows: release 3.5
This web page describes what you have to download and install the binaries for Windows
(without the cygwin environment).
if you want to support this Open Source Project
with software, services, hardware or money.
Download one of the following self extracting archives:
For Windows 11 64 Bit:
For windows 11 32 Bit:
Put the self extracting archive in a directory where you want.
For check use yaze-ag-2.51.2-SHA256SUMS (signature).
My public GPG key to test the signatures is here.
Call the downloaded self extracting file, you will be asked for the
drive/path where you want to install YAZE-AG.
It's recommended
to use "C:\yaze-ag-2.51.2-64Bit". This will create the directory "C:\yaze-ag-2.51.2-64Bit"
and in this directory all files will be extracted.
When you click on "Extract" (in German "Entpacken") there will be created the directory and also one Icon on the Desktop and a group in the Start-Menu.
In the group "YAZE-AG-2.51.2-64Bit" of the Start-Menu you find the following entries:
I put into the binary distribution the md5summ.exe programm (look It tests all files with the "MD5 message digest".
I have generated the file "yaze-ag.md5" which contents the MD5-message-digests of all files which are in the archive which you download/install. When you start md5summer.exe select "verify" and secondly select the MD5-file "yaze-ag.md5".
(Attention: If you have started yaze-ag, then some disk files will be changed. Md5summer tells an error for these files.)
You can start the emulator by three ways:
Make a right click on the top ob the window and select "Options".
I put also the stty.exe and the neccesary libraries to the the binary distribution. With stty you can make the settings for the serial lines.
Start a and go to "c:\yaze-ag-2.51.2-64Bit".
With "stty -F /dev/ttyS0 -a" you can print all settings of COM1.
With "stty -F /dev/ttyS0 19200" can you set the speed of COM1 to 19200 Baud.
You can also use /dev/com1 in place of /dev/ttyS0.
January 06, 2022
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Gerlich
(University of Ulm, Germany)
( Last change January 06, 2022 )