=========================== CXXBLAS: C++ BLAS Interface [TOC] =========================== CXXBLAS is a low-level C++ BLAS interface. It is similar to CBLAS but uses overloaded functions. Level 1 BLAS ============ +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | CXXBLAS | DESCRIPTION | +============+===============================================+ | __asum__ | Takes the sum of the absolute values, i.e. | | | computes $\sum\limits_{i} |x_i|$. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | __axpy__ | Constant times a vector plus a vector, i.e. | | | computes $y \leftarrow \alpha x + y$. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | __copy__ | Copies a vector $x$ to a vector $y$ or | | | a matrix $A$ to a matrix $B$. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | __dot__, | Forms the dot product of two vectors, i.e. | | dotu | computes $\sum\limits_{i} \bar{x}_i y_i$ | | | or $\sum\limits_{i} x_i y_i$. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | __nrm2__ | Computes the euclidean norm of a vector, i.e. | | | $\sqrt{\sum\limits_{i} |x_i|^2}$. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | __rot__ | Applies a plane rotation. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | __rotm__ | Applies a modified Givens rotation. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | __scal__ | Scales a vector by a constant, i.e. computes | | | $x \leftarrow \alpha x$. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | __swap__ | Interchanges two vectors. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------+ :links: __(.*)__ -> doc:cxxblas/level1/$1