template <typename IndexType>
    bbcsd(char                  jobu1,
          char                  jobu2,
          char                  jobv1t,
          char                  jobv2t,
          char                  trans,
          IndexType             m,
          IndexType             p,
          IndexType             q,
          float                 *theta,
          float                 *phi,
          float                 *U1,
          IndexType             ldU1,
          float                 *U2,
          IndexType             ldU2,
          float                 *V1t,
          IndexType             ldV1t,
          float                 *V2t,
          IndexType             ldV2t,
          const float           *b11d,
          const float           *b11e,
          const float           *b12d,
          const float           *b12e,
          float                 *work,
          IndexType             lWork);

Defined in namespace cxxlapack. Function bbcsd with 1 template parameters.

template <typename IndexType>
    bbcsd(char                  jobu1,
          char                  jobu2,
          char                  jobv1t,
          char                  jobv2t,
          char                  trans,
          IndexType             m,
          IndexType             p,
          IndexType             q,
          double                *theta,
          double                *phi,
          double                *U1,
          IndexType             ldU1,
          double                *U2,
          IndexType             ldU2,
          double                *V1t,
          IndexType             ldV1t,
          double                *V2t,
          IndexType             ldV2t,
          const double          *b11d,
          const double          *b11e,
          const double          *b12d,
          const double          *b12e,
          double                *work,
          IndexType             lWork);

Defined in namespace cxxlapack. Function bbcsd with 1 template parameters.

Defined in namespace cxxlapack. Function bbcsd with 1 template parameters.

Defined in namespace cxxlapack. Function bbcsd with 1 template parameters.