*  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2) --
*  -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --
*  -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
*     November 2006
*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      REAL               CS, F, G, R, SN
*     ..
*  Purpose
*  =======
*  SLARTG generate a plane rotation so that
*     [  CS  SN  ]  .  [ F ]  =  [ R ]   where CS**2 + SN**2 = 1.
*     [ -SN  CS  ]     [ G ]     [ 0 ]
*  This is a slower, more accurate version of the BLAS1 routine SROTG,
*  with the following other differences:
*     F and G are unchanged on return.
*     If G=0, then CS=1 and SN=0.
*     If F=0 and (G .ne. 0), then CS=0 and SN=1 without doing any
*        floating point operations (saves work in SBDSQR when
*        there are zeros on the diagonal).
*  If F exceeds G in magnitude, CS will be positive.
*  Arguments
*  =========
*  F       (input) REAL
*          The first component of vector to be rotated.
*  G       (input) REAL
*          The second component of vector to be rotated.
*  CS      (output) REAL
*          The cosine of the rotation.
*  SN      (output) REAL
*          The sine of the rotation.
*  R       (output) REAL
*          The nonzero component of the rotated vector.
*  This version has a few statements commented out for thread safety
*  (machine parameters are computed on each entry). 10 feb 03, SJH.
*  =====================================================================
*     .. Parameters ..
      REAL               ZERO
      PARAMETER          ( ZERO = 0.0E0 )
      REAL               ONE
      PARAMETER          ( ONE = 1.0E0 )
      REAL               TWO
      PARAMETER          ( TWO = 2.0E0 )
*     ..
*     .. Local Scalars ..
*     LOGICAL            FIRST
      INTEGER            COUNT, I
      REAL               EPS, F1, G1, SAFMIN, SAFMN2, SAFMX2, SCALE
*     ..
*     .. External Functions ..
      REAL               SLAMCH
      EXTERNAL           SLAMCH
*     ..
*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
*     ..
*     .. Save statement ..
*     SAVE               FIRST, SAFMX2, SAFMIN, SAFMN2
*     ..
*     .. Data statements ..
*     DATA               FIRST / .TRUE. /
*     ..
*     .. Executable Statements ..
*     IF( FIRST ) THEN
         SAFMIN = SLAMCH( 'S' )
         EPS = SLAMCH( 'E' )
         SAFMN2 = SLAMCH( 'B' )**INTLOG( SAFMIN / EPS ) /
     $            LOG( SLAMCH( 'B' ) ) / TWO )
         SAFMX2 = ONE / SAFMN2
*        FIRST = .FALSE.
*     END IF
      IF( G.EQ.ZERO ) THEN
         CS = ONE
         SN = ZERO
         R = F
         CS = ZERO
         SN = ONE
         R = G
         F1 = F
         G1 = G
         SCALE = MAXABS( F1 ), ABS( G1 ) )
            COUNT = 0
   10       CONTINUE
            COUNT = COUNT + 1
            F1 = F1*SAFMN2
            G1 = G1*SAFMN2
            SCALE = MAXABS( F1 ), ABS( G1 ) )
            IFSCALE.GE.SAFMX2 )
     $         GO TO 10
            R = SQRT( F1**2+G1**2 )
            CS = F1 / R
            SN = G1 / R
            DO 20 I = 1COUNT
               R = R*SAFMX2
   20       CONTINUE
            COUNT = 0
   30       CONTINUE
            COUNT = COUNT + 1
            F1 = F1*SAFMX2
            G1 = G1*SAFMX2
            SCALE = MAXABS( F1 ), ABS( G1 ) )
            IFSCALE.LE.SAFMN2 )
     $         GO TO 30
            R = SQRT( F1**2+G1**2 )
            CS = F1 / R
            SN = G1 / R
            DO 40 I = 1COUNT
               R = R*SAFMN2
   40       CONTINUE
            R = SQRT( F1**2+G1**2 )
            CS = F1 / R
            SN = G1 / R
         END IF
         IFABS( F ).GT.ABS( G ) .AND. CS.LT.ZERO ) THEN
            CS = -CS
            SN = -SN
            R = -R
         END IF
      END IF
*     End of SLARTG