============================= BLAS Level 1 Extension: raxpy [TOC] ============================= *raxpy* (defined in namespace `flens::blas`) computes $y \leftarrow y +\frac{1}{\alpha} x$ where $x, y$ are vectors and $\alpha$ is a constant scalar. *raxpy* is short for *r*eciprocal of *a*lpha times *x* *p*lus *y*. We also provide a variant that does the computation for matrices instead of vectors. Vector Variant ============== *--[CODEREF]----------------------------------------------------------------* | | | template | | typename RestrictTo::value | | && IsDenseVector::value, | | void>::Type | | raxpy(const ALPHA &alpha, const VX &x, VY &&y); | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* [c:@N@flens@N@blas@FT@>3#T#T#Traxpy#&1t0.0#&1t0.1#&] [t0.2#templatetypenameALPHA,typenameVX,typenameVYty] [penameRestrictToIsDenseVectorVXvalueandIsDenseVect] [orVYvalue,voidType ] alpha `(input) real scalar` + Reciprocal scaling factor for the values in $x$. x `(input) real or complex valued DenseVector` + Vector $x$. y `(input/output) real or complex valued DenseVector` + Vector $y$. Matrix Variant (Level 1 Extension) ================================== *--[CODEREF]----------------------------------------------------------------* | | | template | | typename RestrictTo::value | | && IsGeMatrix::value, | | void>::Type | | raxpy(Transpose trans, const ALPHA &alpha, const MA &A, MB &&B); | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* [c:@N@flens@N@blas@FT@>3#T#T#Traxpy#$@N@cxxblas@E@T] [ranspose#&1t0.0#&1t0.1#&t0.2#templatetypenameALPHA] [,typenameMA,typenameMBtypenameRestrictToIsGeMatrix] [MAvalueandIsGeMatrixMBvalue,voidType ] trans `(input)` + Specifiy the operation, i.e. NoTrans $B \leftarrow B + \frac{1}{\alpha}\,A$ Trans $B \leftarrow B + \frac{1}{\alpha}\,A^T$ ConjTrans $B \leftarrow B + \frac{1}{\alpha}\,A^H$ alpha `(input) real scalar` + Reciprocal scaling factor for the values in $x$. A `(input) real or complex valued GeMatrix` + Matrix $A$. B `(input/output) real or complex valued GeMatrix` + Matrix $B$.