
Using SuperLU with CCS

This example requires that SuperLU (Version 4.3) is installed on your system.

In this example we will:

Example Code

The following example is basically taken from the SuperLU user manual and ported to FLENS.

#include <iostream>
#include <flens/flens.cxx>

using namespace flens;
using namespace std;

#include <slu_ddefs.h>

template <typename MA, typename PR, typename PC, typename VB>
dgssv(GeCCSMatrix<MA>  &A,
      DenseVector<PC>  &pc,
      DenseVector<PR>  &pr,
      DenseVector<VB>  &b)
    superlu_options_t   options;
    SuperLUStat_t       stat;
    SuperMatrix         _A, _L, _U, _B;
                           A.numRows(), A.numCols(), A.engine().numNonZeros(),
                           SLU_NC, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
                         b.length(), 1,, b.length(),
                         SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
    options.ColPerm = NATURAL;
    int info;
    dgssv(&options, &_A,,, &_L, &_U, &_B, &stat, &info);
    return info;

    typedef int                                              IndexType;
    typedef IndexBaseZero<IndexType>                         IndexBase;
    typedef CoordStorage<double, CoordColRowCmp, IndexBase>  Coord;

    const IndexType m = 5;
    const IndexType n = 5;
    GeCoordMatrix<Coord>  A_(m, n);

    const double s = 19,
                 u = 21,
                 p = 16,
                 e =  5,
                 r = 18,
                 l = 12;
    A_(0,0) += s;
    A_(1,1) += u;
    A_(2,2) += p;
    A_(3,3) += e;
    A_(4,4) += r;
    A_(1,0) += l; A_(2,1) += l; A_(4,0) += l; A_(4,1) += l;
    A_(0,2) += u; A_(0,3) += u; A_(3,4) += u;

    GeCCSMatrix<CCS<double, IndexBase> >  A = A_;

    std::cout << "A_ = " << A_ << endl;
    std::cout << "A = " << A << endl;

    DenseVector<Array<double, IndexBase> >   b(m);
    b = 1;

    DenseVector<Array<IndexType, IndexBase> >  pr(m), pc(n);
    int info = dgssv(A, pr, pc, b);

    if (info==0) {
        cout << "x = " << b << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "SuperLU dgssv:  info = " << info << endl;

    return info;

Some Notes

Include the SuperLu stuff for double precision.

#include <slu_ddefs.h>

Wrapper for the SuperLU solver dgssv. Looks complicated but it's actually pretty simple. We create SuperLU matrix wrapper for our matrices and then call the solver. Anyway, in future we will hide the details in FLENS.

template <typename MA, typename PR, typename PC, typename VB>
dgssv(GeCCSMatrix<MA>  &A,
      DenseVector<PC>  &pc,
      DenseVector<PR>  &pr,
      DenseVector<VB>  &b)
    superlu_options_t   options;
    SuperLUStat_t       stat;
    SuperMatrix         _A, _L, _U, _B;
                           A.numRows(), A.numCols(), A.engine().numNonZeros(),
                           SLU_NC, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
                         b.length(), 1,, b.length(),
                         SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
    options.ColPerm = NATURAL;
    int info;
    dgssv(&options, &_A,,, &_L, &_U, &_B, &stat, &info);
    return info;

SuperLU requires an index base of zero. Here we set the default index base of the storage scheme to zero via IndexBaseZero.

    typedef int                                              IndexType;
    typedef IndexBaseZero<IndexType>                         IndexBase;
    typedef CoordStorage<double, CoordColRowCmp, IndexBase>  Coord;

Alternative we could specify it through the constructor (see class API).

    const IndexType m = 5;
    const IndexType n = 5;
    GeCoordMatrix<Coord>  A_(m, n);

We setup the matrix from the SuperLU user guide. So here the values.

Matrices in coordinate storage are usually used in FEM for assembling the stiffness matrix. Values will be accumulated. Note that an assignment like 'A(2,3) = ' is not allowed.

    const double s = 19,
                 u = 21,
                 p = 16,
                 e =  5,
                 r = 18,
                 l = 12;
    A_(0,0) += s;
    A_(1,1) += u;
    A_(2,2) += p;
    A_(3,3) += e;
    A_(4,4) += r;
    A_(1,0) += l; A_(2,1) += l; A_(4,0) += l; A_(4,1) += l;
    A_(0,2) += u; A_(0,3) += u; A_(3,4) += u;

Convert to compressed column storage.

    GeCCSMatrix<CCS<double, IndexBase> >  A = A_;

Just for curiosity: Compare the two formats.

    std::cout << "A_ = " << A_ << endl;
    std::cout << "A = " << A << endl;

Setup the right-hand side \(b\). We set all values to \(1\).

    DenseVector<Array<double, IndexBase> >   b(m);
    b = 1;

Call the SuperLU solver for solving \(Ax = b\). Note that on exit \(b\) is overwritten with the solution \(x\).

    DenseVector<Array<IndexType, IndexBase> >  pr(m), pc(n);
    int info = dgssv(A, pr, pc, b);

Check the info code

    if (info==0) {
        cout << "x = " << b << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "SuperLU dgssv:  info = " << info << endl;


$shell> cd flens/examples                                                      
$shell> g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -I../.. -I$HOME/SuperLU_4.3/SRC -L$HOME/SuperLU_4.3/lib -lsuperlu_4.3 -framework vecLib -o geccs-superlu                                  

In this case we assume that SuperLU is installed in $HOME/SuperLU_4.3/. So the following options were used:


Add the SuperLU headers to the include path.


Add the SuperLU library path.


Link against the SuperLU library.

-framework vecLib

This is the Mac OS X way of linking BLAS. On other platforms this might be done more manual, e.g -latlas -lblas.


$shell> cd flens/examples                                                      
$shell> ./geccs-superlu                                                        
A_ = _isSorted = 1
  #0: (0, 0) = 19
  #1: (1, 0) = 12
  #2: (4, 0) = 12
  #3: (1, 1) = 21
  #4: (2, 1) = 12
  #5: (4, 1) = 12
  #6: (0, 2) = 21
  #7: (2, 2) = 16
  #8: (0, 3) = 21
  #9: (3, 3) = 5
  #10: (3, 4) = 21
  #11: (4, 4) = 18
A = 
compressed cols:
            0              3              6              8             10             12 
            0              1              4              1              2              4              0              2              0              3              3              4 
           19             12             12             21             12             12             21             16             21              5             21             18 
x = 
     -0.03125      0.0654762      0.0133929         0.0625      0.0327381