======================= Changing the Index Base [TOC] ======================= FLENS provides different ways to change the index base of a matrix. You can specify the index base when a matrix gets created. Or you can define special matrix types with their own default base. Example Code ============ :import: flens/examples/tut01-page02-example.cc [stripped, downloadable] Comments on Example Code ======================== :import: flens/examples/tut01-page02-example.cc [brief] Compile and Run =============== *--[SHELL]-----------------------------------------------------------------* | | | cd flens/examples | | g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -I../.. tut01-page02-example.cc | | ./a.out | | | *--------------------------------------------------------------------------* :navigate: __up__ -> doc:flens/examples/tutorial __back__ -> doc:flens/examples/tut01-page01 __next__ -> doc:flens/examples/tut01-page03