#include <flens/flens.cxx>
#include <iostream>

using namespace flens;
using namespace std;

/// In the `main` function we again start with a typedef for a `GeMatrix` with
/// elements of type `double` that are stored column-wise in memory.  Also,
/// we define a suitable range operator.
    typedef FullStorage<double, ColMajor>  FS;
    typedef GeMatrix<FS>                   GeMatrix;
    const Underscore<GeMatrix::IndexType>  _;

/// Then we setup some matrix.
    GeMatrix  A(3,4);
    A = 1,  2,  3,  4,
        5,  6,  7,  8,

    cout << "A = " << A << endl;

/// Matrix `B` is of type `const GeMatrix::View`.  So in particular this matrix
/// is in const context.
    const auto B = A(_(1,3),_);

/// Matrix `C` is of type `GeMatrix::ConstView` but it is *not* in const
/// context.
    auto C = B(_(1,3),_);

/// Matrix `D` would be of type `GeMatrix::View` and would reference a part
/// of a matrix of type `GeMatrix::ConstView`.  This would violate *const
/// correctness*.
    auto D = C(_(1,3),_);

    D(1,1) = 666;
    cout << "D = " << D << endl;