
Complex Vectors and Matrices

When you are working with complex vectors and matrices dealing with real and imaginary parts is a common task. The following is supported in FLENS:

Complex Vectors

#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <flens/flens.cxx>

using namespace flens;
using namespace std;

    typedef complex<double>        Complex;
    DenseVector<Array<Complex> >   z(5);

    z = Complex(1,2), Complex(3,4), Complex(5,6), Complex(7,8), Complex(9,10);

    Underscore<int> _;

    auto x = real(z);
    auto y = imag(z);

    cout << "z = " << z << endl;
    cout << "real(z) = " << x << endl;
    cout << "imag(z) = " << y << endl;

    x = 29476;
    y(_(1,2,5)) = 666, -666666;

    cout << "z = " << z << endl;

    cout << "z = " << z << endl;

So some notes about what is going on :import: flens/examples/ [brief]

So let's compile and run the example:

$shell> cd flens/examples                                                         
$shell> g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -I../..                 
$shell> ./a.out                                                                   
z = 
                       (1,2)                         (3,4)                         (5,6)                         (7,8)                        (9,10) 
real(z) = 
            1              3              5              7              9 
imag(z) = 
            2              4              6              8             10 
z = 
                     (2,666)                         (9,4)                      (4,-666)                         (7,8)                       (6,666) 
z = 
                     (666,2)                         (4,9)                      (-666,4)                         (8,7)                       (666,6) 

Complex Matrices

#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

#include <flens/flens.cxx>

using namespace flens;
using namespace std;

   typedef GeMatrix<FullStorage<complex<double> > >    ComplexGeMatrix;
   typedef GeMatrix<FullStorage<double> >              RealGeMatrix;

    const int m = 5;
    const int n = 4;
    ComplexGeMatrix  Z(m,n);

    ComplexGeMatrix::IndexVariable  i,j;
    Z(i,j) = Complex(i+j,j-i);

    RealGeMatrix X = real(Z);

    RealGeMatrix  Y;
    Y = imag(Z);

    cout << "Z = " << Z << endl;
    cout << "real(Z) = " << X << endl;
    cout << "imag(Z) = " << Y << endl;

    real(Z) = Y;
    imag(Z) = X;

    cout << "Z = " << Z << endl;

So some notes about what is going on :import: flens/examples/ [brief]

So let's compile and run the example:

$shell> cd flens/examples                                                         
$shell> g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -I../..                    
$shell> ./a.out                                                                   
Z = 
                       (2,0)                        (3,1)                        (4,2)                        (5,3) 
                      (3,-1)                        (4,0)                        (5,1)                        (6,2) 
                      (4,-2)                       (5,-1)                        (6,0)                        (7,1) 
                      (5,-3)                       (6,-2)                       (7,-1)                        (8,0) 
                      (6,-4)                       (7,-3)                       (8,-2)                       (9,-1) 
real(Z) = 
            2             3             4             5 
            3             4             5             6 
            4             5             6             7 
            5             6             7             8 
            6             7             8             9 
imag(Z) = 
            0             1             2             3 
           -1             0             1             2 
           -2            -1             0             1 
           -3            -2            -1             0 
           -4            -3            -2            -1 
Z = 
                       (0,2)                        (1,3)                        (2,4)                        (3,5) 
                      (-1,3)                        (0,4)                        (1,5)                        (2,6) 
                      (-2,4)                       (-1,5)                        (0,6)                        (1,7) 
                      (-3,5)                       (-2,6)                       (-1,7)                        (0,8) 
                      (-4,6)                       (-3,7)                       (-2,8)                       (-1,9)