University of Ulm Faculty of Mathematics and Economics Helmholtzstreet 22
Graduiertenkolleg 1100 deutschenglish

Training programme

The training program of the research trainig group is divided into three phases, namely

  • Introductory phase
  • Consolidation phase
  • Graduation phase

each of a period of one year.

Conception of activity

The following table summarizes the training program whose different elements are described explicitly in the following.

Phase Semester Activity hours
Introductory phase 1. Semester 1 Optional lecture 6
Seminar 2
2. Semester 1 Optional lecture 6
College seminar 2
College-workshop with case studies
Visit at a non-university partner
Consolidation phase 1. Semester 1 Advanced lecture or 1 Seminar 4-6
Seminar 2
2. Semester 1 lecture or 1 Seminar 6
College Seminar 2
College-workshop with case studies
Visit at a non-university partner
Graduation phase 1. Semester College-seminar 2
2. Semester College-seminar 2
College-workshop with case studies
Visit at a non-university partner
Research stay abroad

Introductory Phase

In the introductory phase the college students shall recieve especially a substantial implementation and a diversified comprehension for the relevant fields of mathematics, economics and computer sciences. Besides the obligatory course of lectures of 2 hours per week, in each of the two semesters a electorial duty course of 6 hours per week has to be visited and a successful participation is to be shown. In the college-seminar the participants shall present their particular PhD project.

In this phase the college students shall also visit the particular outside-university partner which are closely connected with the topic of the dissertation. This shall ease the orientation and establish the desired practical experience. The participation on the annual college-workshop is obligatory.

Phase of consolidation

The aim of the 2-semester phase of consolidation is to get a consolidated knowledge in the topics which are related to the particular topic of disseration. Per semester this can take place besides the college-seminar wether through the attendance of advanced lectures (typically 4+2 hours per week) or a seminar. The successfull participation has to be shown per semester with a proof of attendance for an exercise or seminar. In the college-seminar the participants shall report on their achieved progress in this phase. In addition, the participants also participate at the annual college-workshop. Furthermore, the participants shall visit at least one partner from outside the universtiy to support the exchance between theory and practical experience.

Graduation phase

In the graduation phase there are no obligatory lectures besides the college-seminar and the college-worshop in order to enable the college students to successfully finish their PhD graduation. The results of the graduation however shall be presented in the college-seminar as well as on national and international conferences and workshops. This supports on one hand the participants capability of scientific presentation and on the other hand the awareness of the research trainig group is increased on a national and international level through the presence on conferences and workshops. In this phase the participants again shall visit at least one partner from outside the university. These visits conduce on the one hand for the verification of the relevance of practical experience of the achieved results of research (at such partners which are in close thematical context with the particular process of graduation) and on the other hand shall give a further review over the relevant labour market.

College workshops and case studies

In each year a week-long college-seminar is held (in the shape of a conference) e.g. in the university-owned Center of research Schloss Reisensburg. There teachers from Ulm, visiting professors in the context of the visiting program and partners from practice will intensely discuss with the participants about the current results of research and the requirements of practical experience. Thus not only a communication between the participants and the experts in the specific research area shall be built up but also important impulses be gained for the research intentions. Furthermore at these meetings in the shape of workshops it shall be discussed intensively on the particular research projects and the achieved progresses. Finally case studies are a characteristic feature of these workshops. In each workshop well defined problems from our partners from outside the university shall be forumulated in consultation with at least one participating professor. For the handling of these problems teams of 5-7 members are built up. Each problem (case study) is attended by one representative of the partner from outside the university who poses the problem and by one Professor during the workshop. At the end of the workshop the achieved progresses shall be presented and documented.

The college seminar

The college-seminar is the continuous, weekly, common and obliging event of the research trainig group. In the context of the seminar in detail the following activities take place: Circular lectures of the participating professors on the involved fields of research; talks of the members (per member at least once per year); talks of representatives of the partners from outside the universtiy; talks of invited scientists, of short-time guests as well as of invited professors within the scope of the exchange program.

Additional qualification "actuary"

The electorial duty lectures which are scheduled for the participants in context of the training programme include among others also the whole basic knowledge that is necessary for the actuarial training. Because of the specific statutory fixed position of the responsible actary in the german insurance law, the Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (DAV) has developed a specific qualification profile for this profession which includes in particular the basic knowledge exams. The intended actuarial lectures in the context of the training programme include this knowledge and for this reason are an excellent basis for the participants to open up the occupational field of the actuary within the research trainig group.