Function Calls (with REX Protocol)

Function sum

Based on the REX protocol for function calls, function sum

Complete the following code fragment to do the job:

.equ    ZERO,   0
.equ    RIP,    1
.equ    RSP,    3

.equ    CALL,   4
.equ    LOCAL1, 8
.equ    LOCAL2, 9

.macro stack_init
        orq     %ZERO,  %ZERO,  %RSP

.macro  pushq   REG
        subq    $8,     %RSP,   %RSP
        movq    \REG,   (%RSP)

.macro  popq    REG
        movq    (%RSP), \REG
        addq    $8,     %RSP,   %RSP

.macro  set     VAL,    REG
        orq     \VAL,   %ZERO,   \REG

.macro  enter   VAL
        set     \VAL,   %LOCAL1
        pushq   %LOCAL1

.macro  call    FUNC
#       your code here



#       your code here

Computing the factorial recursively

Write a function factorial that computes the factorial of a unsigned quad-word integer recursively using the REX protocol