Logic Gates

We will use logic gates as building block for building our (simulated) hardware. In the video you learn how Boolean functions can be implemented with logic gates. Or equivalently, logic gates can be described through Boolean functions.

Yes, there is an assignment for that!

With the assigment I just want to check that you are able to follow and that there is no technical problem on you side. For the assignment you have to sign up for CircuitVerse, do what I do in the video and then hand in the link to your CircuitVerse project in Moodle.

Never tried this, but Assignment 1.1 might be a direct link to the assignment in Moodle. At least if you are already logged in to Moodle in some browser tab. I was told that otherwise you will be asked for your password and just see the course page. In that case you can go back an follow the link again.

Video tutorial