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Ulm's Oberon Library:


SysDebug - process trace


(* requests *)

CONST traceme = 0; (* by tracee to begin tracing *) CONST childdone = 0; (* tracee is done with his half *) CONST peektext = 1; (* read word from text segment *) CONST peekdata = 2; (* read word from data segment *) CONST peekuser = 3; (* read word from user struct *) CONST poketext = 4; (* write word into text segment *) CONST pokedata = 5; (* write word into data segment *) CONST pokeuser = 6; (* write word into user struct *) CONST cont = 7; (* continue process *) CONST kill = 8; (* terminate process *) CONST singlestep = 9; (* single step process *) CONST attach = 10; (* attach to an existing process *) CONST detach = 11; (* detach from a process *) CONST getregs = 12; (* get all registers *) CONST setregs = 13; (* set all registers *) CONST getfpregs = 14; (* get all floating point regs *) CONST setfpregs = 15; (* set all floating point regs *) CONST readdata = 16; (* read data segment *) CONST writedata = 17; (* write data segment *) CONST readtext = 18; (* read text segment *) CONST writetext = 19; (* write text segment *) CONST getfparegs = 20; (* get all fpa regs *) CONST setfparegs = 21; (* set all fpa regs *) CONST getwindow = 22; (* get register window n *) CONST setwindow = 23; (* set register window n *) CONST syscall = 24; (* trap next sys call *) CONST dumpcore = 25; (* dump process core *) CONST setwrbkpt = 26; (* set write breakpoint *) CONST setacbkpt = 27; (* set access breakpoint *) CONST clrdr7 = 28; (* clear debug register 7 *) CONST getucode = 29; (* get u.u_code *)

(* spaces *)

CONST text = 1; (* program text *) CONST data = 2; (* global variables + heap + stack *) CONST user = 3; (* kernel's per-process data pages *) TYPE Regs = (* MC68000 family *) RECORD dreg: ARRAY 8 OF SysTypes.Word; areg: ARRAY 8 OF SysTypes.Word; sreg: SysTypes.Word; (* status register *) pc: SysTypes.Address; END; TYPE FPRegs = (* 68881 and up *) RECORD regs: ARRAY 8 OF LONGREAL; (* floating point regs *) control: SysTypes.Word; (* control reg *) status: SysTypes.Word; (* status reg *) iaddr: SysTypes.Address; (* instruction address reg *) flags: SysTypes.Word; (* unused, idle or busy *) END; PROCEDURE TraceMe; PROCEDURE Peek(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; space: SHORTINT; addr: SysTypes.Address; VAR dataword: SysTypes.Word; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Poke(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; space: SHORTINT; addr: SysTypes.Address; dataword: SysTypes.Word; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Continue(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ContinueWithSig(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; signal: SysSignals.Signal; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ContinueAt(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; signal: SysSignals.Signal; (* maybe 0 *) addr: SysTypes.Address; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Kill(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE SingleStep(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE SingleStepWithSig(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; signal: SysSignals.Signal; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE SingleStepAt(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; signal: SysSignals.Signal; (* maybe 0 *) addr: SysTypes.Address; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Attach(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Detach(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE DetachWithSig(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; signal: SysSignals.Signal; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE DetachAt(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; signal: SysSignals.Signal; (* maybe 0 *) addr: SysTypes.Address; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GetRegs(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; VAR regs: Regs; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE SetRegs(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; regs: Regs; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GetFPRegs(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; VAR fpregs: FPRegs; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE SetFPRegs(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; fpregs: FPRegs; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Read(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; space: SHORTINT; addr: SysTypes.Address; VAR buf: ARRAY OF BYTE; off, cnt: LONGINT; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Write(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; space: SHORTINT; addr: SysTypes.Address; buf: ARRAY OF BYTE; off, cnt: LONGINT; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ContUntilSysCall(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ContUntilSysCallWithSig(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; signal: SysSignals.Signal; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ContUntilSysCallAt(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; signal: SysSignals.Signal; (* maybe 0 *) addr: SysTypes.Address; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE DumpCore(pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; filename: ARRAY OF CHAR; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Trace(request: SHORTINT; pid: SysProcess.ProcessId; addr: SysTypes.Address; data: SysTypes.Word; addr2: SysTypes.Address; VAR result: SysTypes.Word; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN;


SysDebug interfaces the ptrace(2) system call. These system calls allow a debugging process to examine and control another process. Traditionally, the process to be debugged is a child of the debugging process:
PROCEDURE StartProcess(VAR child: SysProcess.ProcessId;
                       path: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                       argv: SysArgs.Arguments) : BOOLEAN;
   (* start a new process and prepare it for debugging *)
      child: SysProcess.ProcessId;
      status: SysProcess.Status;
   IF SysProcess.Fork(child, NIL) THEN
      IF child = 0 THEN
         (* child process *)
         SysProcess.Exec(path, argv, NIL);
         (* Exec failed? *)
         (* debugging process *)
         RETURN SysProcess.WaitFor(child, status, NIL) & status.stopped
END StartProcess;
TraceMe causes the child process to be stopped after the call of SysProcess.Exec, i.e. just befor the given program starts execution. SysProcess.WaitFor waits until the child process gets stopped. All other operations requires the given process to be in a stopped state.

The address space of the process is divided into three parts (spaces):

text   program text and constants (sometimes read-only)
data   global variables, heap and stack
user   system's per-process data (user structure)
On some systems (e.g. PDP11 but not on Sun workstations) the process spaces text and data are separated. On other systems (e.g. on Sun workstations) there is no distinction between both spaces. The user space allows the user structure to be accessed. This is especially necessary to examine and modify the register values on some systems. Fortunately, Sun supports direct access via GetReg and SetReg. Peek and Poke support access of a single word. Many systems (e.g. Sun4) requires addresses to be aligned (i.e. dividable by 4).

Read and Write allow larger quantities to be transferred but are not portable. For convenience, the parameters of Read and Write are close to that of Streams.BufIO procedures. The only difference is the return type; in comparison to Streams.BufIO procedures Read and Write either transfer the whole quantity or nothing (return of FALSE). Read and Write do not support the user space.

If the process is in a stopped state and all necessary work has been done, the execution may be continued in different ways:

continue execution until the process terminates, or until a signal is received
execution stops after execution of at least one instruction; this feature needs hardware assist which is not given on all systems (e.g. Sun4)
execution stops before and after the execution of system calls
continue execution and stop process tracing

By default, these operations cause the process to resume execution from where it was stopped, and if a signal was causing the process to be stopped it will be ignored. ContinueWithSig and ContinueAt work like Continue but allow the signal (ContinueWithSig and ContinueAt) and the address where the execution should continue (ContinueAt) to be given. Similar procedures exist for the other variants.

As before, further process tracing operations require the debugging process to wait for the child process to be stopped.

Trace provides a raw interface to ptrace(2). result equals the return value of the equivalent call in C.


All procedures return FALSE on failure. System call failures lead to events of SysError. The errors parameter is passed to SysErrors.Raise.

Illegal space values cause runtime error exceptions.


ptrace(2)       underlying system call
SysError        handling of failed system calls
SysProcess      basic process primitives like Exec and Wait


Many calls are very system dependent, e.g. GetRegs is available on Sun workstations only.
Edited by: borchert, last change: 2003/07/10, revision: 1.5, converted to HTML: 2003/07/10

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