Sortieren durch Austauschen

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*Folgendes Sortierverfahren findet sich im Band 3 des Werks ``The Art of Computer Programming'' von D. Knuth:
*Algorithm B (Bubble sort). Records R1, ..., RN are rearranged in place; after sorting is complete their keys will be in order, K1 <= ··· <= KN.

*[Initialize BOUND.] Set BOUND <- N. (BOUND is the highest index for which the record is not known to be in its final position; thus we are indicating that nothing is known at this point.)
*[Loop on j.] Set t <- 0. Perform step B3 for j = 1, 2, ..., BOUND-1, and then go to step B4. (If BOUND = 1, this means go directly to B4.)
*[Compare/exchange Rj : Rj+1.] If Kj > Kj+1, interchange Rj <-> Rj+1 and set t <- j.
*[Any exchanges?] If t = 0, terminate the algorithm. Otherwise set BOUND <- t and return to step B2.

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