Zufälliges Mischen

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*Folgender Algorithmus von R. A. Fisher und F. Yates (1938) findet sich im Band 2 des Werks ``The Art of Computer Programming'' von D. Knuth:
*Algorithm P (Shuffling). Let X1, X2, ···, Xt be a set of t numbers to be shuffled.

*[Initialize.] Set j <- t.
*[Generate U.] Generate a random number U, uniformely distributed between zero and one.
*[Exchange.] Set k <- ⌊ jU ⌋ + 1. (Now k is a random integer, between 1 and j). Exchange Xk <-> Xj.
*[Decrease j.] Decrease j by 1. If j > 1, return to step P2.

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