#include <iostream>
#include <flens/flens.cxx>

using namespace flens;
using namespace std;

/// Define a matrix with coordinate storage
    GeCoordMatrix<CoordStorage<double> >    A(55);

/// When assembling a stiffness matrix we accumulate values.  Note that
/// an assignmen like 'A(2,3) = 4' is not allowed.
    A(3,4) += 4;
    A(3,4) += 4;
    A(2,4) += 4;
    A(3,4) += 4;

/// You see that values are justed added to a list.
    cout << "A = " << A << endl;

/// We explicitly can trigger the actual accumulation where values at identical
/// coordinates get summed up.
    cout << "A = " << A << endl;

/// For debugging its sometime usefull to convert the sparse matrix to a
/// matrix with full storage.
    GeMatrix<FullStorage<double> >  B = A;
    cout << "B = " << B << endl;

/// Once the stiffness matrix is setup you usually want to convert the sparse
/// matrix from coordinate storage to a compress format, e.g. the 'compressed
/// row storage' (CRS) format:
    GeCRSMatrix<CRS<double> >  C = A;
    cout << "C = " << C << endl;

/// Of course we also can convert the CRS matrix to GeMatrix for debugging.
    GeMatrix<FullStorage<double> >  D = C;
    cout << "D = " << D << endl;

/// Once the matrix is converted to the CRS format we can compute matrix-vector
/// products efficiently.
    DenseVector<Array<double> > x(5), y;

    x = 1;
    //y = D*x;
    blas::mv(NoTransdouble(1), C, xdouble(0), y);
    //y = D*x;

    cout << "y = " << y << endl;