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Ulm's Oberon System:


mmo - make makefile for Oberon


mmo {(+|-){a|A|L}} [-(c|C|u) makefile] {(+|-)l library} [-p proto]
{-t target | +t target module...} {macro=val} {file}


Mmo is a general tool for extracting dependency information from Oberon source files and libraries. By default, mmo generates output in a form acceptable by GNU make(1) onto standard output.

Makefiles generated by mmo may be customized and updated. Customization covers addition of own text to the makefile (e.g. rules for source file printing and installing) and changes of the parts generated by mmo (e.g. change of oc options). Makefiles are structured into sections by mmo to allow separation of parts generated by mmo and parts added from other sources.

Sections are either named and of interest for mmo or unnamed and remain unaffected on updates. Sections are delimited by comments which start at the beginning of a line. Named section headers consist of the leading "#" which introduces the comment and a name and some optional specifications enclosed in braces, e.g. "# {flags: +a -A -l -P}".

Makefile updating depends on the various settings found from earlier mmo-runs in the makefile and the options given at the command line. Option settings at the command line become the defaults for the next update.

Options at the command line and in the section named "options" are introduced either by "+" (representing TRUE or add) or by "-" (FALSE or delete). Following options are recognized:

Switches whether symbol files are to be archived into SYM or not. oc(1) requires SYM to be created first; this could be easily done by "ar q SYM". Default is FALSE.
If set, it causes objects to be maintained in a library (default name: lib.a). Default is FALSE.
(+|-)l lib
Adds or deletes the given library. The library name must be equal to one of the directories found in OBPATH or OBLIB. The list of libraries is passed to oc(1) and used to collect library dependencies.
If set, it requests all dependencies to the library to be included in the makefile. To achieve this, OBPATH, OBLIB and all libraries specified by +l are considered. Dependencies enclose those to the symbol files and to the objects of the libraries. Default is FALSE.
If set, all reference cycles (e.g. module a imports b and module b imports a) are printed to standard error. The main problem of reference cycles is the undefined order of initialization; so every reference cycle member must not use anything of the other members during initialization. Default is FALSE.
(+|-)t target
Adds or deletes a target which is the result of a ld-run of oc(1). A target is given by a core of modules (which may be among the sources or members of the library). Mmo calculates the transitive closure of the core set and generates the appropriate linkage line. The target name determines the name of the output file. The name of the output file may be changed independently from the target name by editing the makefile (change of T_target). On makefile creation the list of targets defaults to those modules which are not imported by any other modules. If A is set to TRUE, the list defaults to the empty list.

Modes of operation include makefile creation and makefile updates in some variants:

-c makefile
Creates the given makefile. Makefile creation depends on a prototype which is a short makefile consisting of the wanted section headings and some additional rules like cleanup and source file printing. In fact, makefile creation works like makefile updates with different source and target makefile. The prototype is searched for in the current directory (.mmo_proto), in the parent directory (../.mmo_proto), in the home directory, and finally in the library directory ($OBLIB/mmo_proto). The list of sources to be considered may be specified at the command line and defaults to all Oberon sources in the current working directory.
-C makefile
Works like -c but requests no prototype to be taken. Instead, all sections are generated by mmo in the appropriate order.
-p proto
Allows to specify a prototype for -c.
-u makefile
Updates the given makefile. The list of sources may be given at the command line and defaults to the list given earlier (src macro in the "macros" section).

"-" may be given as makefile or prototype to cause standard input or output to be taken. "mmo -u -" reads a makefile from standard input and prints the updated version to standard output. Mmo prints a newly created makefile to standard output if none of this options has been given (i.e. mmo -c -).

Some macro definitions may be overridden in the command line (e.g. OC or OCFLAGS). Macro definitions are given as macroname=value. All remaining arguments are taken as Oberon source files.


No output is written to the target makefile in case of errors. Beside messages printed to standard error, errors are indicated by an exit code of 1.

Error messages include:

mmo: bad options found in makefile: options
Results from errors in the specifying part of the "options" section. Only boolean option may be given and command line syntax is required.
mmo: bad reference cycle: module
Reference cycles of imports of definitions are impossible to compile. The given module name is one of the cycle members.
mmo: syntax error: filename
Mmo parses the beginning of a source file (module header and import list) and aborts on syntax errors.
mmo: unknown section name: section name
Named sections with unknown names disappear on updating and cause this warning to be printed.


prototype for makefile creations
temporary files which are needed by mmo rules


GNU make(1), oc


The output of mmo is not accepted by standard make(1).

The +L option increases the time needed by GNU make(1) significantly.

Edited by: borchert, last change: 2001/12/06, revision: 1.6, converted to HTML: 2001/12/06

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