Oberon ||
Library ||
Search Engine
Ulm's Oberon Library:
Alphabetical Module Index
- Architectures
- classification of hardware architectures and
operating systems
- Args
- general abstraction for arguments
- Arrays
- associative arrays
- common names for ASCII control characters
- Assertions
- event handling for failed assertions
- AsymmetricCiphers
- abstraction for public key ciphers
- AVLTrees
- height-balanced-binary trees for data-storage and retrieval
- implementation of the Blum, Blum, and Shub pseudo random number generator
- BlockCiphers
- general abstraction for block ciphers
- BlockingEvents
- blocking distribution of events
- BoolArgs
- arguments of type BOOLEAN
- BoolDisciplines
- aliases of TRUE and FALSE
- Card1024s
- implementation of 1024 bit cardinals
- CBCMode
- a special mode of operation for block ciphers
- ChessClocks
- general interface for chess clocks
- CipherOps
- functions for "XOR"ing streams
- Ciphers
- general abstraction for crypto systems
- Clocks
- general interface for clocks and timers
- Comments
- comment stripping input filter
- CompilerDatabases
- general interface for the retrieval and storage of program text sources and results of compilation runs
- CompilerErrors
- standardized events for compilation errors
- CompilerKeys
- keys that identify dependencies of compiler-generated objects
- CompilerLogs
- provide log about loading and compilation processes
- CompilerObjects
- language-independent base of persistent compiler objects
- CompilerPragmas
- process and lookup compilation options within sources
- Compilers
- general interface for two-pass compilers
- CompilerSources
- reference objects for program text sources
- CompilerStackAllocations
- static allocations for stack frames
- CompilerStreamPosKeys
- service provider of StreamPosKeys
for CompilerObjects.Object
- Conclusions
- convert errors and events into conclusions
- Conditions
- general interface for wait conditions
- ConstantObjects
- simplified support of persistence for constant
context-independent objects
- ConstStrings
- WORM-device for strings
- Containers
- collections of persistent objects
- Convert
- HTTP converting tools
- CopyingStreams
- provide seek capability on pure input streams
- Coroutines
- interface to coroutine primitives
- CrPipes
- coroutine pipes
- Daemons
- offer services across networks
- Dates
- date and time conversions
- Disciplines
- attach additional data structures to abstract datatypes
- DNSHeaders
- DNS header structure according to RFC 1035
- DNSRecords
- support of DNS resource records according to RFC 1035
- DNSRequests
- process DNS requests
- DNSResolvers
- general interface for the retrieval of DNS records
- DNSStdResolvers
- standard implementation of DNSResolvers
- EphemeralPortRange
- select anonymous ports
- Errors
- general interface for error handlers
- EventConditions
- wait until a given event is raised
- Events
- priority driven event handling
- Forwarders
- forward abstractions through filter objects
- FragmentedStreams
- fragmented in-memory streams
- FTPAuthReader
- handler of FTP authorization commands
- FTPCommands
- collection of FTP commands
- FTPDataStreams
- implementation of FTP data streams
- FTPEngine
- pipelining FTP engine
- FTPLoggers
- interface for FTP loggers
- FTPLogPrinter
- print FTP log events to an output stream
- FTPPriorities
- priorities of the core tasks of a FTP server
- FTPRequests
- scan FTP requests from input
- FTPResponses
- construct and send FTP responses
- FTPSessions
- framework for the inner core of a FTP server
- FTPTimerEvents
- timeout event management for FTP sessions
- FTPTimers
- timeout management for FTP sessions
- FTPUnixDirLister
- list UNIX directories for FTP
- FTPUnixFileSystems
- present selected UNIX file hierarchy for FTP
- FTPUnixPaths
- path-based pseudo chroot jails
- HostPorts
- support of host/port tuple specifications according to RFCs 2373, 2396, and 2732
- HTTPConversions
- HTTP converting tools
- HTTPHeaders
- manage HTTP-header fields
- HTTPResponse
- write HTTP-structures to a stream
- IdentKeys
- keys representing constant strings
- support of IEEE floating point format
- IndirectDisciplines
- shared disciplines
- Inet6TCP
- TCP/IPv6 based implementation of Networks
- InetHTTPDaemon
- receive HTTP connections from clients
- implementation of HTTP URLs
- InetResolver
- resolve domain style names to Internet addresses
- InetTCP
- TCP/IP based implementation of Networks
- InetURLs
- abstraction to handle Uniform Resource Locators
- IntArgs
- arguments of type INTEGER
- IntOperations
- generic interface for arithmetic integer operations
- IPv4Addresses
- support of IPv4 addresses
- IPv4NameSystems
- import root nodes using IPv4 sockets
- IPv4TCPSockets
- create and access IPv4 TCP sockets
- IPv6Addresses
- support of IPv6 addresses
- IPv6TCPSockets
- create and access IPv6 TCP sockets
- Iterators
- sequential access of data structures
- Jobs
- initiation of background tasks
- Keys
- key-based total order relations
- LargeIntegers
- implementation of almost arbitrary large integers
- LargeTexts
- in-memory streams (alternative implementation)
- Lehmann
- implementation of the Lehmann primality testing algorithm
- LinearizedStructures
- save and load cyclic data structures
- Lines
- conversion of line positions in stream offsets and vice versa
- Listers
- general interface for listers of compilation errors
- Lists
- management of linear lists
- Loader
- load and initialize modules
- LoaderErrors
- Error write procedure for Loader events
- LocalSemaphores
- implementation of internal semaphores
- Maps
- map a stream into multiple diversions
- Math
- mathematical constants and functions
- MC68881
- library interface to MC68881 instructions
- MD5
- implementation of the MD5 one-way hash function
- MD5Names
- create names that are derived from MD5 digests
- MemOps
- memory operations
- Memory
- address space management
- MemStreams
- streams representing a memory area
- Messages
- management of messages for attachable handlers
- ModularizedStructures
- distribute graphs of persistent objects
across multiple byte sequences
- NamedObjects
- add Names functionality to arbitrary objects
- Names
- abstraction for name hierarchies
- NamesBootService
- service which exports root nodes at known addresses
- NetIO
- exchange of Oberon base types
- Networks
- general abstraction for bidirectional network connections
- NeWS
- interface to the Network/extensible Window System
- NeWSSysTokens
- list of NeWS system tokens
- NodeFactories
- persistent objects that construct Names.Node objects
- OberonLex
- lexical analysis of Oberon sources
- ObjectLoader
- load and possibly generate compilation results from the compiler database
- Objects
- common base of record types
- ObjectTransactions
- transactions which involve one object only
- OneWayHashes
- general abstraction for one-way hash functions
- Operations
- generic interface for arithmetic operations
- PasswordShards
- authorization based on knowing a secret
- PathConditions
- wait until a path of Names becomes valid
- Paths
- resolving string constants into name paths
- PersistentDisciplines
- attach additional data structures to persistent
- PersistentEvents
- support of persistent events
- PersistentNodes
- persistent hierarchy of nodes
- PersistentObjects
- abstraction for persistent objects
- PersistentTexts
- persistent objects representing texts
- PipeReaders
- read and buffer input from pipelines
- PipeWriters
- non-blocking write to a pipeline
- Plot5Streams
- traditional Berkeley plot streams
- Plotters
- abstraction for simple plotters
- PrimeGen
- implementation of a prime number generator
- Primes
- general abstraction for primality testing algorithms
- Print
- formatted output to streams
- Priorities
- priority system for events
- PriorityJobs
- jobs with priorities
- PrioritySchedulers
- scheduler with priorities
- PrivateShards
- standard nontrivial shards implementation
- Process
- suspension and termination of the current process
- Proxies
- support of proxies for local objects
- ProxyNodes
- proxy support for Names abstraction layer
- QuickPrimeTest
- quick primality test for small numbers
- RabinMiller
- implementation of the Rabin-Miller primality testing algorithm
- RandCard1024s
- generate random 1024 bit cardinals
- RandomGenerators
- general abstraction for pseudo random number generation
- Read
- formatted input
- Reals
- conversions from/to real numbers
- RelatedEvents
- relate events to objects
- RemoteChessClocks
- RemoteObjects service provider for ChessClocks.ChessClock
- RemoteClocks
- RemoteObjects service provider for Clocks.Clock
- RemoteContainers
- support import and export of containers
- RemoteEvents
- support export and import of event types
- RemoteIterators
- support export and import of iterators
- RemoteNames
- network interface for Names
- RemoteObjects
- access of remote objects
- RemotePersistentObjects
- delegation of PersistentObjects.Write to remote objects
- RemoteStreams
- support export and import of streams
- RemoteTransactions
- support import and export of transactions
- ResolvConfParser
- parse resolv.conf configuration files
- Resources
- cooperative handling of shared objects
- RFC1413Requests
- request identification from RFC 1413 servers
- RobustObjects
- proxy objects which survive their original objects
- RobustRoots
- robust root nodes
- RoundRobin
- round robin scheduler
- RTErrors
- handling of runtime errors
- Scales
- general interface for systems of units for measuring
- Scan
- formatted input from streams
- ScanDir
- pattern directed directory scan
- Schedulers
- general scheduler interface
- Scopes
- flat but nestable persistent name spaces
- SeedStreams
- representation of streams as seed sequences
- Semaphores
- general interface for semaphores
- Services
- type-independent definition of extensions
- Sets
- operations for sets of arbitrary length
- Shadows
- call-back objects on top of RemoteObjects
- Shards
- abstraction for authorization protocols
- Signals
- global conditions
- SMStreams
- bidirectional IPC using shared memory
- SortedBags
- sorted collections
- SortedIterators
- return objects of an iterator in sorted order
- SPARCSolarisArchitecture
- support of the SPARC/Solaris platform for Architectures
- StandardChessClocks
- standard implementation of ChessClocks
- StandardContainers
- standard implementation of Containers
- StdScopes
- standard implementation of Scopes
- Storage
- storage allocating interface for the compiler
- StreamCiphers
- abstraction for stream ciphers
- StreamConditions
- wait until a stream becomes ready for input or output
- StreamDisciplines
- general-purpose disciplines for streams
- StreamPosKeys
- keys representing stream positions
- Streams
- abstraction for byte oriented input and output
- StringArgs
- string arguments of arbitrary length
- Strings
- string operations
- StrListArgs
- arguments of type list of strings
- SubStreams
- streams representing an interval of another stream
- SubtractiveRandomGenerator
- implementation of a pseudo random number generator
- Suffixes
- Oberon related filename suffixes
- SurfRandomGenerators
- pseudo random number generator based on SURF
- Sys
- UNIX system calls
- SysArgs
- interface to UNIX command line arguments
- SysCommands
- system-dependent interface to commands
- SysConf
- configuration parameters of the Oberon System
- SysConversions
- convert Oberon records to/from C structures
- SysCoroutines
- system-dependent coroutine layout
- SysDebug
- process trace
- SysErrors
- handling of system call errors
- SysFile
- system calls related to files
- SysHost
- get host and domain name
- SysInterrupts
- interrupt nest level of coroutines
- SysIO
- system calls for input and output
- SysIPC
- System V interprocess communication
- SysLoader
- system-dependent implementation of Loader
- SysMain
- determine initialization order
- SysMemory
- interface to memory related system calls
- SysMemParams
- system-dependent constants for SysStorage
- SysModules
- modules and blocks of the current process
- SysMonitor
- execution time profiler
- SysPoll
- synchronous I/O multiplexing
- SysProcess
- UNIX process management
- SysResources
- control maximum system resource consumption
- SysSegments
- registration of reserved memory areas
- SysSelect
- synchronous I/O multiplexing
- SysSignalOperations
- miscellaneous signal operations
- SysSignals
- event interface for UNIX signals
- SysSockets
- BSD interprocess communication
- SysSolarisInfo
- extract platform information under Solaris
- SysStacks
- examination of coroutine stacks
- SysStackTraces
- print stack traces
- SysStat
- examine inode structure
- SysStorage
- storage allocator with copying garbage collector
- system-dependent built-ins of Ulm's Oberon Compiler
- SysTermIO
- UNIX System V interface to the terminal driver
- SysTime
- access to the system clock
- SysTypes
- standard types for system calls
- SysUname
- get credentials of the current operating system
- Tasks
- general task management
- TclTk
- interface to a Tcl/Tk interpreter
- TCrypt
- a nontrivial implementation of a public key cipher
- TermAttributes
- support of display attributes on ASCII terminals
- TerminalLister
- listing generation on base of Terminals
- Terminals
- abstraction for terminals
- TermInfos
- interface to the UNIX terminfo database
- TermKeys
- support of function keys on ASCII terminals
- TermLineGraphics
- support of line graphics on ASCII terminals
- Texts
- in-memory streams
- TimeConditions
- conditions which allow to wait for a given time
- Timers
- timer queues for clocks
- Times
- reference scale for time measuring systems
- Timezones
- abstraction for time zones
- Transactions
- an abstraction for transactions in distributed systems
- TranslucentNames
- translucent layering of name hierarchies
- TransStreams
- transactions on streams
- TurtleGraphics
- subset of turtle graphic operations for plotters
- Types
- collection of compiler-dependent base types
- UniqueNames
- supply unique names
- UnixArchives
- stream input from archives
- UnixArgLists
- construction of argument lists
- UnixArguments
- scan command line arguments
- UnixClock
- implementation of the system clock
- UnixCommandLine
- Args scanner for the UNIX command line
- UnixDirectories
- read UNIX directory entries
- UnixDomainSockets
- create and access UNIX domain sockets
- UnixEnvironment
- get environment parameters
- UnixFileConditions
- conditions for UNIX file descriptors
- UnixFiles
- stream implementation for UNIX files
- UnixHost
- retrieve name and address of the current host
- UnixMappedFiles
- mapping of files into virtual memory
- UnixNames
- import the public root
- UnixPipes
- initiate I/O to/from a process
- UnixProcess
- UNIX dependent initialization of Process
- UnixSeeds
- generation of seed values in the UNIX operating system
- UnixShell
- pass a command to the system shell
- UnixSockets
- general interface for UNIX sockets
- UnixStatusSeeds
- generate seed sequence from various Unix status informations
- UnixTerminals
- UNIX implementation of terminals
- UnixTimezones
- standard implementation of Timeszones under UNIX
- UnixTmpNames
- generation of unique names for temporary files
- UnixWaitConditions
- conditions for UNIX processes
- UntaggedStorage
- interface for storage not affected by garbage collection
- VolatileShards
- not quite persistent shards
- WebHandlers
- HTTP request processing
- WebNames
- provide a name space for web objects
- WebObjects
- abstraction for world wide web objects
- Write
- formatted output
- XAuthority
- retrieval of X authorization records
- XPlotters
- implementation of Plotters for X displays
Oberon ||
Library ||
Search Engine
Andreas Borchert