
Using SuperLU with CRS

Again, this example requires that SuperLU (Version 4.3) is installed on your system.

In a previous example we used SuperLU for a sparse system matrix that was stored in the compressed column storage format. You also can use SuperLU with sparse matrices stored in the compressed row storage format. However, you have to invert the transpose flag. You also have to pass row index vectors instead of column index vectors and vice versa.

Example Code

We basically recycle the previous example. But we use a sparse matrix that stores elements in the compressed row storage format.

#include <iostream>
#include <flens/flens.cxx>

using namespace flens;
using namespace std;

#include <slu_ddefs.h>

template <typename MA, typename PR, typename PC, typename VB>
dgssvx(GeCRSMatrix<MA>  &A,
       DenseVector<PC>  &pc,
       DenseVector<PR>  &pr,
       DenseVector<VB>  &b)
    const int n = A.numRows();

    typedef typename DenseVector<PC>::NoView  TempIntVec;
    typedef typename DenseVector<VB>::NoView  TempDoubleVec;
    TempDoubleVec   x(n), r(n), c(n), ferr(1), berr(1);
    TempIntVec      etree(n);

    superlu_options_t   options;
    SuperLUStat_t       stat;
    SuperMatrix         _A, _L, _U, _B, _X;

    options.Equil           = YES;
    options.Trans           = TRANS;
    options.DiagPivotThresh = double(1);
    // Add more functionalities than the defaults.
    options.PivotGrowth = YES;        // Compute reciprocal pivot growth
    options.ConditionNumber = YES;    // Compute reciprocal condition number
    options.IterRefine = SLU_DOUBLE;  // Perform double-precision refinement

    dCreate_CompCol_Matrix(&_A, n, n, A.engine().numNonZeros(),
                           SLU_NC, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
    dCreate_Dense_Matrix(&_B, n, 1,, b.length(),
                         SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
                         x.length(), 1,, x.length(),
                         SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE);

    int             info;
    char            equed;
    int             lwork = 0// let the solver allocate its own memory
    void            *work = 0;
    double          rpg, rcond;
    mem_usage_t     mem_usage;

    dgssvx(&options, &_A,,,, &equed,
 ,, &_L, &_U, work, lwork, &_B, &_X,
           &rpg, &rcond,,, &mem_usage, &stat, &info);

    b = x;

    return info;

    typedef int                                              IndexType;
    typedef IndexBaseZero<IndexType>                         IndexBase;
    typedef CoordStorage<double, CoordRowColCmp, IndexBase>  Coord;

    const IndexType m = 5;
    const IndexType n = 5;
    GeCoordMatrix<Coord>  A_(m, n);

    const double s = 19,
                 u = 21,
                 p = 16,
                 e =  5,
                 r = 18,
                 l = 12;
    A_(0,0) += s;
    A_(1,1) += u;
    A_(2,2) += p;
    A_(3,3) += e;
    A_(4,4) += r;
    A_(1,0) += l; A_(2,1) += l; A_(4,0) += l; A_(4,1) += l;
    A_(0,2) += u; A_(0,3) += u; A_(3,4) += u;

    GeCRSMatrix<CRS<double, IndexBase> >  A = A_;

    std::cout << "A_ = " << A_ << endl;
    std::cout << "A = " << A << endl;

    DenseVector<Array<double, IndexBase> >   b(m);
    b = 1;

    DenseVector<Array<IndexType, IndexBase> >  pr(m), pc(n);
    int info = dgssvx(A, pr, pc, b);

    if (info==0) {
        cout << "x = " << b << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "SuperLU dgssv:  info = " << info << endl;

    return info;

Some Notes

Include the SuperLu stuff for double precision.

#include <slu_ddefs.h>

Again we hack a quick and dirty wrapper for SuperLU. This time we call the SuperLU expert driver routine dgssvx: As our sparse matrix comes in compressed row storage format but SuperLU expects the compressed col storage format we actually habe to solve \(A^T X = B\) instead of \(AX = B\). This operation is not available when using $dgssvx'. The wrapper is based on `dlinsolx.c` from the SuperLU examples directory.

We keep it as simple as possible and assume \(A\) is square.

    const int n = A.numRows();

Some temporary vectors for intermediate results.

    typedef typename DenseVector<PC>::NoView  TempIntVec;
    typedef typename DenseVector<VB>::NoView  TempDoubleVec;
    TempDoubleVec   x(n), r(n), c(n), ferr(1), berr(1);
    TempIntVec      etree(n);

Set the transpose flag so that we solve \(A^T X = B\). Check the SuperLU documentation for further details.

    options.Equil           = YES;
    options.Trans           = TRANS;
    options.DiagPivotThresh = double(1);
    // Add more functionalities than the defaults.
    options.PivotGrowth = YES;        // Compute reciprocal pivot growth
    options.ConditionNumber = YES;    // Compute reciprocal condition number
    options.IterRefine = SLU_DOUBLE;  // Perform double-precision refinement

Because A has CRS format first pass A.engine().cols().data()and then A.engine().rows().data(). After creation A_ holds a reference of \(A^T\).

    dCreate_CompCol_Matrix(&_A, n, n, A.engine().numNonZeros(),
                           SLU_NC, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
    dCreate_Dense_Matrix(&_B, n, 1,, b.length(),
                         SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
                         x.length(), 1,, x.length(),
                         SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE);

Solve the system and compute the condition number and error bounds using dgssvx. Except for the computed solution this trashy SuperLU wrapper ignores most of these computations. However, in a real application some of this stuff could be really useful (e.g. rcond!).

    dgssvx(&options, &_A,,,, &equed,
 ,, &_L, &_U, work, lwork, &_B, &_X,
           &rpg, &rcond,,, &mem_usage, &stat, &info);

Overwrite \(b\) with the solution \(x\). (Quick and dirty, remember?)

    b = x;

SuperLU requires an index base of zero. Here we set the default index base of the storage scheme to zero via IndexBaseZero. Note that the template Coord contains the CoordRowColCmp class as third parameter. That's because we want to convert the storage to compressed row storage later.

    typedef int                                              IndexType;
    typedef IndexBaseZero<IndexType>                         IndexBase;
    typedef CoordStorage<double, CoordRowColCmp, IndexBase>  Coord;

Again we setup the matrix from the SuperLU user guide. So here the values.

    const double s = 19,
                 u = 21,
                 p = 16,
                 e =  5,
                 r = 18,
                 l = 12;
    A_(0,0) += s;
    A_(1,1) += u;
    A_(2,2) += p;
    A_(3,3) += e;
    A_(4,4) += r;
    A_(1,0) += l; A_(2,1) += l; A_(4,0) += l; A_(4,1) += l;
    A_(0,2) += u; A_(0,3) += u; A_(3,4) += u;

Convert to compressed row storage.

    GeCRSMatrix<CRS<double, IndexBase> >  A = A_;

Just for curiosity: Compare the two formats.

    std::cout << "A_ = " << A_ << endl;
    std::cout << "A = " << A << endl;

Setup the right-hand side \(b\). We set all values to \(1\).

    DenseVector<Array<double, IndexBase> >   b(m);
    b = 1;

Call the SuperLU solver for solving \(Ax = b\). Note that on exit \(b\) is overwritten with the solution \(x\).

    DenseVector<Array<IndexType, IndexBase> >  pr(m), pc(n);
    int info = dgssvx(A, pr, pc, b);

Check the info code

    if (info==0) {
        cout << "x = " << b << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "SuperLU dgssv:  info = " << info << endl;


$shell> cd flens/examples                                                      
$shell> g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -I../.. -I$HOME/SuperLU_4.3/SRC -L$HOME/SuperLU_4.3/lib -lsuperlu_4.3 -framework vecLib -o gecrs-superlu                                  


$shell> cd flens/examples                                                      
$shell> ./gecrs-superlu                                                        
A_ = _isSorted = 1
  #0: (0, 0) = 19
  #1: (0, 2) = 21
  #2: (0, 3) = 21
  #3: (1, 0) = 12
  #4: (1, 1) = 21
  #5: (2, 1) = 12
  #6: (2, 2) = 16
  #7: (3, 3) = 5
  #8: (3, 4) = 21
  #9: (4, 0) = 12
  #10: (4, 1) = 12
  #11: (4, 4) = 18
A = 
compressed rows:
            0              3              5              7              9             12 
            0              2              3              0              1              1              2              3              4              0              1              4 
           19             21             21             12             21             12             16              5             21             12             12             18 
x = 
     -0.03125      0.0654762      0.0133929         0.0625      0.0327381