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Ulm's Oberon Library:


TclTk - interface to a Tcl/Tk interpreter


TYPE Interpreter = POINTER TO  InterpreterRec;
TYPE InterpreterRec =
(* objects used to communicate with Tcl *)
TYPE Record = POINTER TO RecordRec;
TYPE RecordRec =
        typename: ConstStrings.String;
(* lists used within a object of type Record *)
TYPE ListRec = RECORD (Objects.ObjectRec) END;
TYPE IntList = POINTER TO IntListRec;
TYPE IntListRec =
        value: INTEGER;
        next: IntList;
TYPE RealList = POINTER TO RealListRec;
TYPE RealListRec =
        value: REAL;
        next: RealList;
TYPE StringList = POINTER TO StringListRec;
TYPE StringListRec =
        value: Streams.Stream;      
        next: StringList;
TYPE BoolList = POINTER TO BoolListRec;
TYPE BoolListRec =
        value: BOOLEAN;
        next: BoolList;
(* events exchanged with Tcl *)
TYPE EventType = ARRAY 20 OF CHAR;
TYPE Event = POINTER TO EventRec;
TYPE EventRec =
        from: Interpreter;
        record: Record;
    connectionFailed = 0;   (* unable to access the port listener *)
    connectionRefused = 1;  (* setup failed *)
    connectionBroken = 2;   (* connection is broken *)
    sendFailed = 3;         (* failed to send the requested data *)
    receiveFailed = 4;      (* failed to receive the requested data *)
    serverExit = 5;         (* tcltk-server receives an exit-Event *)
    protocolError = 6;      (* got an unexpected value *)
    tkError = 7;            (* tkerror occured *)
    callProcError = 8;      (* tclerror or no record returned by proc *)
    errors = 9;
TYPE ErrorEvent = POINTER TO ErrorEventRec;
TYPE ErrorEventRec =
        errorcode: SHORTINT;
VAR error: Events.EventType;
VAR errormsg: ARRAY errors OF Events.Message;

(* handling a connection to a interpreter *) PROCEDURE Open(VAR interp: Interpreter; address: Internet.Address; display, appName, className: ARRAY OF CHAR; errors: RelatedEvents.Object) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Close(interp: Interpreter); (* evaluating Tcl scripts *) PROCEDURE Eval(interp: Interpreter; script: ARRAY OF CHAR; result: Streams.Stream) : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE EvalStream(interp: Interpreter; script: Streams.Stream; result: Streams.Stream) : BOOLEAN; (* event handling *) PROCEDURE Define(interp: Interpreter; type: Events.EventType; VAR tcltypename: EventType); PROCEDURE Handler(interp: Interpreter; type: Events.EventType; tclhandler: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE GetEventType(interp: Interpreter; tcltypename: EventType; VAR type: Events.EventType); PROCEDURE CreateEventConditions(interp: Interpreter; record: Record; slotnames: ARRAY OF ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR conditions: ARRAY OF Conditions.Condition; conditionset: Conditions.ConditionSet); PROCEDURE DropEventConditions(conditions: ARRAY OF Conditions.Condition); (* remote procedure call *) PROCEDURE CallProc(interp: Interpreter; proc: ARRAY OF CHAR; arguments: Record; VAR result: Record) : BOOLEAN; (* handling with objects for communication *) PROCEDURE CreateRecord(VAR record: Record; interp: Interpreter; tcltypename: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE GetStringSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR value: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE GetStringSlotAsStream(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR value: Streams.Stream); PROCEDURE GetIntSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR value: INTEGER); PROCEDURE GetRealSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR value: REAL); PROCEDURE GetBooleanSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR value: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE GetListSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR value: List); PROCEDURE SetStringSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; value: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE SetStringSlotFromStream(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; value: Streams.Stream); PROCEDURE SetIntSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; value: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SetRealSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; value: REAL); PROCEDURE SetBooleanSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; value: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE SetListSlot(record: Record; slotname: ARRAY OF CHAR; value: List);


TclTk provides access to a Tcl interpreter which is extended with Tk commands. Therewith TclTk can be used to equip a oberon application with a grafical user interface. To do so, scripts can be evaluated in an interpreter, in order to create the GUI and to handle events, generated by X. Communication between Oberon and Tcl is done in terms of events and communication objects.

In order to realize access to a interpreter there is a server, called tcltks. The server can run on every machine that is connected via internet to the machine, in which the Oberon application is running.

Accessing servers

To be able to start servers dynamically at runtime, a port listener is used, called tcltkl. Hence, tcltkl has to be started before the Oberon application. If started with a port number as argument, tcltkl binds this number to the port it listens to. Otherwise the port number defaults to 22090. If the environment variable TCLTKS_DIR on the server machine is given, the listener tries to find the server there. Otherwise the current working directory on the server machine is used.

In order to avoid network traffic evoked by the X-protocol, running between Tk and X, the port listener should reside in the same machine as the X-server for the specified display does.

Due to security, the server checks if the connecting partie is authorized. To do so, there have to be a file called .tcltks in the users home directory. This file should only be readable by the user himself and it has to contain a password in the first line. This file must also be accessible by the server. If the server runs on a different file system the same file has to be provided there.

Creating a server and evaluating scripts

Open contacts the port listener, which runs a new server on his part. The address is either given by address or in case it contains 0 for address.portnum and address.host the address is computed from one of the environment variables TCLTKSERVER or DISPLAY. If TCLTKSERVER is present hostname and portnum will be taken from there. Otherwise the hostname from DISPLAY will be used and the port defaults to 22090. If none is given the host defaults to the local host with default port number.

After having connected successfully a server, Open passes the first line of .tcltks to the server together with display, appName and className. The server tries to create a main window on display and assigns className as name for the class of the main window (among other thing the class name is used for the resource database). appName is the name of the application as registered by the window manager and may be used by the tk_send command. On success Open returns TRUE and a new object of type Interpreter is created, representing the server.

For terminating a server TclTk supports Resources. Close terminates the server immediately.

Eval sends the script to the server, in order to evaluate it. If there was no error during evaluation, Eval returns TRUE and the resulting string can be found in result. Otherwise result contains the resulting error message returned by Tcl. EvalStream works like Eval except that it reads the script from a given stream, starting at the current stream position.

Objects for communication

In order to exchange data between Oberon and the Tcl programm running in the server, TclTk provides objects for communication, called Records. Such objects can be handled by TclTk and the server, so that transmitted data can be accessed by name.

Records have to be defined in Tcl to keep the interface clear. For dealing with records in Tcl there is a new command called Records, which comes along with a few options:

Records define typename slotname slottype ?slotname slottype ...?
defines a new type with typename as name. A type has several slots, each of which has a name (slotname) and a type (slottype). To form complex structured types, the type of a slot can again be a list with slotname slottype pairs. Valid slottypes are: integer, real, string, boolean, list<integer>, list<real>, list<string> and list<boolean>. On success it returns an empty string.

Records create typename var ?var ...?
creates global objects of type typename. The names of the objects are given by the var arguments. On success an empty string is returned.

Records delete var ?var ...?
Deletes the objects, that names are given by the var arguments. On success an empty string is returned.

Records typename var
returns the typename of object var.

Records set var slotname value ?slotname value ...?
assigns value to a slot named slotname of the object, that name is given by var. To reference complex structured slots, the path to the slot has to be constructed with the slotnames along the way separated by ".", just like in Oberon. On success it returns an empty string. Note the value for a slot has to be assignment compatible to the declared type. Checking is done by one of the functions Tcl_GetInt, Tcl_GetDouble or Tcl_GetBoolean.

Records get var ?slotname?
retrieves the values of object var. If slotname is given the value of slotname is returned. Otherwise a list is returned that elements are lists themselve containing name and value in this order for every slot.

In Oberon, objects for communication are of type Record. CreateRecord creates a new object, that previously was defined in Tcl. tcltypename specifies the typename of the object, that has to be created.

For dealing with such objects, TclTk provides some procedures in order to assign or retrieve values (GetStringSlot ... SetListSlot). A list assigned to a slot in Tcl is converted to the coressponding list type IntList, RealList, StringList or BoolList, and vice versa. The procedure used has to match the declared type of the slot, she should operate on. I.e. a slot declared of type integer can only be accessed by GetIntSlot or SetIntSlot.

Build upon these objects, CallProc offers a possibility to call a Tcl procedure from within Oberon. The Tcl procedure expects a object as argument that is given in arguments and returns another object on her part, which is accessible in result. NIL objects in Tcl are denoted by "" or {}. Note the object passed to the Tcl procedure gets deleted after the procedure returns.


Events generated by the X-server can be handled with proper Tcl scripts, that previously was uploaded into the server. Therewith part of the events can be handled locally and only the interesting data have to be transmitted back to Oberon. To do so, there are events. Events raised in Tcl are delivered in Oberon by Events.Raise and vice versa. Beside their signaling function, events serve as carrier for communication objects.

For event handling there is another new Tcl command called Events:

Events define ?var?
Acts like Events.Define by generating a new event type denoted by a name. If var is given the name will be stored there, otherwise it is returned as result. According to this name there is a object of type Events.EventType generated, that will be used as event type of an event, that is transmitted from Tcl to Oberon. The reaction for this type defaults to ignore in Tcl and to default in Oberon.

Events raise typename message record
this command option is used to raise an event with typename as type. message is a short text that is delivered with the event and record is the name of the communication object, that gets delivered too. The event gets transmitted to Oberon, where it is read in as event of type Event and delivered with a call to Events.Raise. In addition, the server evaluates the registered Tcl handlers (therefore the reaction defaults to ignore).

Events handler typename procname
is used to install the Tcl procedure procname as handler for events with typename as type of the event type.

Events gethandlers typename
returns all the handlers for an event type of name typename.

Events removehandlers typename
removes all handlers for the event type given by typename and sets the reaction to default.

Events ignore typename
acts like removehandlers but sets the reaction to ignore.

A handler for an event type is a Tcl procedure with three arguments:

proc procname {typename message record} body

The arguments equals the ones given to Events raise.

Events raised in Tcl are delivered in Oberon as events of type Event. The transmitted communication object can be found in record. Receiving and raising events in Oberon can be done in the traditional fashion with the procedures provided by the module Events.

GetEventType retrieves the object of type Events.EventType that is used as event type denoted by tcltypename.

To receive an event within a task, EventConditions can be used. CreateEventConditions therefore helps to create event conditions for event types transmitted from Tcl to Oberon within a communication object. For every slotname given in slotnames a event condition is produced and assigned in the same order to conditions as the names are given. In addition, every condition is included in conditionset. Note each value of the slots given in slotnames have to contain a valid slotname which was defined in Tcl by Events define. DropEventConditions calls EventConditions.Drop for every condition in conditions.

In addition to event types created by the Events define command, existing event types can be prepared to use for communication with Tcl. This is done by Define that also creates a unique tcltypename for the given type. Define can be called multiple for one type with different interpreters.

Handler defines an additional Tcl procedure for handling events of event type type, that previously was defined by Define or Events define.


Handling with communication objects looks like this:

Records define MyType \\
    slot1 integer \\
    slot2 string \\
    slot3 { \\
        slot31 list<string> \\
        slot32 boolean \\

Records create MyType var1 var2

Records set var1 \\
    slot1 1234 \\
    slot3.slot32 1

Records get var1
-> {slot1 1234} {slot2 {}} {slot3 {{slot31 {}} {slot32 1}}}

Records get var1 slot1
-> 1234

Records typename var1
-> MyType

A Tcl program, that is used to provide a GUI for Oberon, therefore looks like this: The type definition of the objects can reside anywhere in the script, but it is a good practice to define all object types at the beginning. To get the thing started, the defined event types must be known to the oberon application. To do so, a communication object can be used that is returned by a procedure so that the Oberon application can do a call to CallProc to get the object:

proc StartUp { record } { Records define UsedEvents \\ ev1 string \\ ev2 string \\ ev3 string Records create UsedEvents myevents Records set myevents \\ ev1 [Events define] \\ ev2 [Events define] \\ ev3 [Events define] # if ev3 is used for incoming events, # a handler is needed Events handler [Records get myevents ev3] MyHandler return myevents
} proc MyHandler {typename msg record} { puts "it works: $msg" # assuming, the record is of type MyType, we can write puts "slot1: [Records get $record slot1]"
} An event may then be raised in the following manner:

# ...
Events raise [Records get myevents ev1] mymessage var2

The text for the Oberon program may be structured like this:

TYPE Slotname = ARRAY 5 OF CHAR;


VAR cr: Coroutines.Coroutine; task: Tasks.Task; result: TclTk.Record; interp: TclTk.Interpreter; BEGIN (* create a server via Open and eval the script for the GUI *) (* * Note a script like "source myscript.tcl" is much more * faster then sending the script accross the network. * *) (* start the whole thing and get the object *) IF TclTk.CallProc(interp, "StartUp", NIL, result) THEN MyTask(cr, interp, result); Tasks.Create(task, cr); END; END Init; PROCEDURE MyTask(VAR cr: Coroutines.Coroutine; interp: TclTk.Interpeter; record: TclTk.Record); CONST ev1 = 0; ev2 = 1; events = 2; VAR tkeventtype: TclTk.EventType; tkevent, event: TclTk.Event; ev3: Events.EventType; slotnames: ARRAY events OF Slotname; conditions: ARRAY events OF Conditions.Condition; cset: Conditions.ConditionSet; BEGIN (* create conditions for incoming events from Tcl *) slotnames[ev1] := "ev1"; slotnames[ev2] := "ev2"; Conditions.CreateSet(cset); TclTk.CreateEventConditions(interp, record, slotnames, conditions, cset); (* create and init an event in order to send it to Tcl *) NEW(event); TclTk.GetStringSlot(record, "ev3", tkeventtype); TclTk.GetEventType(interp, tkeventtype, event.type); TclTk.CreateRecord(event.record, interp, "MyType"); SYSTEM.CRSPAWN(cr); (* lets wait *) LOOP Tasks.WaitForOneOf(cset); IF EventConditions.TestAndGet(conditions[ev1], tkevent) THEN (* do what you wonna do *) ELSIF EventConditions.TestAndGet(conditions[ev2], tkevent) THEN (* assign values to event.record *) TclTk.SetIntSlot(event.record, "slot1", 12345); (* transmit the event to Tcl *) Events.Raise(event); END; END; TclTk.DropEventConditions(conditions); TclTk.Close(interp); Tasks.Terminate; END MyTask;


Some errors lead to events of type ErrorEvent that are passed to RelatedEvents and addresses either a object of type Interpreter or a object named errors. Following error codes are implemented:
there is no port listener at the given address.
either the listener fails to exec the server tcltks, the transmitted password from $HOME/.tcltks is not valid or the given arguments to Open are not valid, i.e. you are not authorized to the given display.
the connection to the server is closed due to an error.
there was an error while writing in the stream that connects oberon with the server.
there was an error while reading from the stream that connects oberon with the server.
the exit command was called in the Tcl interpreter, so the connection will be closed.
indicates an internal error that was caused by an unexpected value or field, read from the stream.
a script that was asynchronously evaluated by Tk causes an error.
the called Tcl procedure causes an error or no valid object was returned by proc.

Several errors which results from programming mistakes are covered by assertions:


specifies hostname and port of the port listener which is to contact. Any form of hostname:portno is valid, where hostname is a symbolic internet address and portno the number of the port.
on the local machine it is taken for computing the hostname where the port listener resides. On the server machine it specifies the display, which is to use, if an empty string is passed to Open for the display argument.
specifies the directory where tcltks and the script tcltks.tcl can be found. If not present, the current working directory is used. Note this variable must be defined on the machine the listener runs.


password file for accessing a server


conditions which allow to wait until a event is raised.
global event handling
relate events to objects
cooperative termination handling


Oliver Engelhardt
Edited by: borchert, last change: 2003/07/10, revision: 1.3, converted to HTML: 2003/07/10

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