Markov Chains and Monte-Carlo Simulation
University Ulm
Department of Stochastics
Lecture Notes
Prof. Dr. Volker Schmidt
Summer 2006
ULY 2006
Markov Chains
Specification of the Model and Examples
State Space, Initial Distribution and Transition Probabilities
Recursive Representation
The Matrix of the
-Step Transition Probabilities
Ergodicity and Stationarity
Basic Definitions and Quasi-positive Transition Matrices
Estimates for the Rate of Convergence; Perron-Frobenius-Theorem
Irreducible and Aperiodic Markov Chains
Stationary Initial Distributions
Direct and Iterative Computation Methods
Reversibility; Estimates for the Rate of Convergence
Definition and Examples
Recursive Construction of the ,,Past''
Determining the Rate of Convergence under Reversibility
Multiplicative Reversible Version of the Transition Matrix; Spectral Representation
Alternative Estimate for the Rate of Convergence;
Dirichlet-Forms and Rayleigh-Theorem
Bounds for the Eigenvalues
Monte-Carlo Simulation
Generation of Pseudo-Random Numbers
Simple Applications; Monte-Carlo Estimators
Linear Congruential Generators
Statistical Tests
Transformation of Uniformly Distributed Random Numbers
Inversion Method
Transformation Algorithms for Discrete Distributions
Acceptance-Rejection Method
Quotients of Uniformly Distributed Random Variables
Simulation Methods Based on Markov Chains
Example: Hard-Core Model
Gibbs Sampler
Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
Error Analysis for MCMC Simulation
Estimate for the Rate of Convergence
MCMC Estimators; Bias and Fundamental Matrix
Asymptotic Variance of Estimation; Mean Squared Error
Coupling Algorithms; Perfect MCMC Simulation
Coupling to the Future; Counterexample
Propp-Wilson Algorithm; Coupling from the Past
Monotone Coupling Algorithms
Examples: Birth-and-Death Processes; Ising Model
Read-Once Modification of the CFTP Algorithm
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Ursa Pantle 2006-07-20